[OOC Information]
Name: Sceadu
Age: 24
AIM / E-mail / LiveJournal: sceadugesceaft/dracogriff (at) gmail/
hitokiri_nekoWhat characters do you play here already, if any? Axel
[IC Information]
Character Name: Aqua
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Gender: Female
Age: Late teens(ish)
Species: Human
Appearance: Given some of the things to come out of the KH canon, Aqua’s outfit is actually fairly normal. The base layer is comprised of a black sleeveless (and turtlenecked) undershirt/corset thing, black shorts, and black leggings. Over these go a pair of purple straps that cross over her chest and a blue and white skirt that’s longer in the back in the front. Finishing the look is a pair of detached sleeves and a pair of armored shoes. On a non clothes-related front, she’s also easily notable for the fact that she has blue hair.
She keeps her Keyblade armor in a pair of armored panels that attach to her sleeves when it’s not in use.
Personality: Polite, kind, and more than a little serious, Aqua serves as the counterbalance to both Ven and Terra. This is not, however, to say that she cares any less for either of them. Instead, she seems to care all the more deeply about both of them because of it. Throughout the course of her journey, she worries for both of their sakes, and badmouthing (or harming) her friends is a quick way to getting on her bad side, as more than one person has found out.
Somewhat relatedly, if someone asks her to do something, she’ll do her best to get it done. It’s her responsibility, and she can’t very well let someone down. However, if that same someone has evil intent, all bets are off - even were she not a Keyblade Master, Aqua’s not the sort of person to take kindly to the darkness.
Finally, it’s worth noting that she’s also fairly modest. Even after she becomes a Master, she doesn’t let it go to her head, instead choosing to simply introduce herself as Aqua in the various worlds she travels to.
History: Can be found over
here. There will be spoilers and rambling.
Seupernatural Abilities
Keyblade: As one of the many Keyblade wielders to grace the series, Aqua has the ability to summon her Keyblade out of absolutely nowhere. Usually, this takes little more than a thought, and the blade appears almost immediately. In Chicago, however, summoning the Keyblade will take Aqua several seconds of concentration at the best of times, and in times of severe strain (when she’s seriously injured, for example) it may simply fail to appear altogether.
Magic: Like Terra and Ven, Aqua has been trained in the use of various types of magic. As a matter of fact, she the one who shows the most ability with it - she has both some of the game’s best spells in her arsenal as well as the widest overall variety of spells. In Chicago, well she will still have access to anything up through -aga level spells, more than one or two spells at that level will wear her out, and the lower level spells will similarly take far more effort and energy than they would in her own world. How many she can cast per day depends largely on the sort of spell she’s been using, but either way, she’s not going to be tossing spells around with nearly the frequency she’s used to, and should she try to use more than she actually has, she will quite literally drop where she’s standing.
Command Styles: Depending on what she uses to defeat enemies, Aqua can sometimes channel her power into a secondary form. What effects this form has varies from form to form, but in all cases it brings her to another level of power. Unfortunately in Chicago this will be both harder to get into and harder to stay in. Similarly, second-level command styles will be nigh impossible at best for her to get into and will wear her out that much faster if she does manage it.
Shotlocks: Shotlocks are basically the Keybearer’s answers to swarms of enemies, especially ones that magic can’t answer as well. Like command styles, the forms they can take varies, although most of them involve some manner of projectile. Normally, Aqua would be able to use this multiple times of the course of a day or - depending on how things go - multiple times per fight. In Chicago, she’ll only be able to do it once a day, or possible two or three times, if she doesn’t use the maximum amount of lock-ons in a single go.
Perception: In addition to all of the above, Aqua seems to be unusually perceptive when it comes to matters of the heart. She’s able to tell that Cinderella’s stepmother and sisters have been taken over by their darkness, as well as being able to note both that Kairi is someone with a naturally high amount of light within her as well as getting a sort of feeling that she’s someone who should be protected. She can also tell that Terra’s passed the Keyblade on to a young Riku, although this may be more of a Keyblade Master thing. In Chicago this too will be taken down a peg. While she’ll be able to tell if people are at one extreme or another, the feelings she gets will be dimmed down, and may not be quite as immediately obvious.
Natural Abilities: Given that she’s been training to be a Keyblade Master for a good long while, Aqua is both fit and agile. So much so, in fact, tthat her in-game dodge technique is a cartwheel. And despite the fact that she’s primarily a mage-type, she can and will offer a fair amount of physical violence if she needs to. After all, she’s every bit as much the fighter as Terra and Ven are, despite appearances to the contrary. She also has well-honed reflexes as well as no small amount of stamina.
Possessions: At the point I’m taking her from, Aqua actually has two keyblades, although she can only fight with one at a time. The first is her own keyblade. The second is the the Keyblade of her fallen master, Eraqus, which she will only use if there is absolutely no other choice and possibly not even then. In addition to serving as a basic weapon, she can also turn her Keyblade into something that’s a cross between a bike and glider. However, here she’ll find that not only is it unable to truly ‘blast off’ it won’t fly either as high or as fast as it would have, and the inherent ability of the Keyblade (be it in glider form or not) to open the Ways Between will be entirely removed. It will, however, still be able to open most doors/barriers/etc, although this is dependent on what sort of protections are on the door.
In addition to this, she also brings with her Wayfinder - a charm that also her to forge unique connections known as D-Links - as well as her keyblade armor.