wait, wait... just one more thing

Sep 12, 2015 21:04

I forgot the whole hockey thing, probably because it's still offseason (although the rookie tournaments have started).

Phil Kessel: Pittsburgh Penguin. Can't say I'm not excited. Kessel looks pretty excited too.

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Comments 2

frausorge September 14 2015, 01:36:21 UTC
I am so excited for hockey season to start! I don't quite know what to expect from Kessel in Pittsburgh (for some reason it's not where I pictured him going), but I hope he does good things there.

Also, local hockey sounds v. fun.


schneefink September 21 2015, 11:31:13 UTC
(Here via Tumblr) Yup, looks like an authentic Kessel pic! Especially the rainbow butterflies. Pretty sure they surround him all the time.


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