Epidemia: Livin' in Twilight/Zhizn v sumerkakh

Sep 07, 2007 23:44

A variant translation.

Crossposted to keletkezes. Watch this:

The original Livin' in Twilight by Epidemia, 2001:

Livin’ in Twilight
(music and lyrics - Yuri Melisov)

I was born on the border
Of darkness and light.
I tried to feel their strength,
But I was crucified.
Indestructible body
Laid under snow
And time flows very slow.

I've been punished by darkness
I've been damned by light
Crazy, wild and mindless,
I felt their might.
Is this abyss or desert -
Gray landscape surronds,
Just one thought in my head - I am bound!

I'm livin' in twilight - I am damned by the Light
My life is closed circle - but I'm still alright!
I'm livin' in twilight - no stars in the sky,
A place, where the dreams cannot fly!

You can pray for the freedom -
No Gods in this place
'Cause this world like a prison
Like intricate lace.
Now I can realize that I cannot die
Cannot fly, cannot creep, cannot cry!

But one day the old stranger
Will come to this world.
He will break way from here
By his lightning bolt.
Every man has a hope
To escape from this place -
Just be patient and wait for your chance!

I'm livin' in twilight...

Solo Juron

I'm livin' in twilight...

I'm livin' in twilight...

I cannot fly, I cannot creep, I cannot die, I cannot sleep... (x4)

Follow that with the Russian version, released 2005:

Жизнь В Сумерках

Я рождён на границе
Меж Светом и Тьмой.
Был распят за безумные игры с судьбой.
Но нетленное тело лежит подо льдом,
А душа полыхает огнём!

Обескровленный Тьмой,
Светом проклят навек.
Падал камнем на дно,
Птицей рвался наверх. Только серые тени в сплетении крон.
Я устал, моя жизнь страшный сон!

Я в Сумерках проклят и Светом и Тьмой!
Круг жизни замкнулся, пути нет домой.
В безрадостном мире нет звёзд в небесах!
Мечты обращаются в прах!

Так кому мне молиться?
Здесь нет богов!
Мир похож на темницу,
Дворец для рабов!
Я скован цепями,
Хочу умереть!
Не могу ни ползти, ни лететь!

Грянет гром -
Серый странник придёт в этот мир.
Небеса ярким пламенем вспыхнут над ним!
Это место покинуть мечтает любой,
Чтоб увидеть рассвет над собой!

Я в Сумерках проклят и Светом и Тьмой...

cоло Juron

Я в Сумерках проклят и Светом и Тьмой...

Не улететь, не уползти, не умереть, не унестись...

And now, having looked at the Russian, I came up with this true-to-original version which is in no way related to the music, nor is, indeed, finished:

Livin' in twilight

I was born on the border
Of darkness and light
Was crucified for a reckless game with fate.
But indestructible body under the snow,
And soul ablaze with fire!

Lifeless Darkness and
Light damn/curse forever.
Fell like rocks to the ground,
Birds burst into to the sky. Just
Grey shadows in interlaced crown.
I am tired, my life a terrible dream!

I am in twilight damned by the Light and the Dark!
Circle of life never-ending, my way is not home.
In joyless world no stars in the sky!
Dreams dwindle to dust!

Why do you pray for me?
There are no gods here!
World seems as if in darkness,
Palace for slaves!
I am locked in shackles,
Want to die!
Cannot crawl, cannot fly!

Thunder bursts forth,
Grey stranger will come to this world.
Sky with bright flames will burn above him!
This place to abandon dreams everyone,
To see the sunrise above himself!

Cannot fly, cannot crawl, cannot die, cannot flee…

And finally, the to-the-music version. If you Google 'Livin' in twilight' you'll probably find countless Russian sites offering it free. Takes some thinking about, but it does fit, eventually :D

Livin' in twilight

I was born on the border
Of darkness and light
In was crucified for daring to fight.
But my eternal body lies under the snow,
And with fire my soul is a-glow!

Lifeless Darkness and Light
Damning me for all time.
Fell like rocks to the ground,
Like a bird flew up high.
Grey shadows are my morbid canopy.
I am tired of this awful dream!

I’m living in twilight, damned by Dark and Light!
My way isn’t home, never-ending, this life.
In this joyless world, there’re no stars in the sky!
Dreams fall like dust and die!

Why pray for me?
There’re no gods in this place!
The world is in darkness,
A palace for slaves!
I am locked in these shackles,
I just want to die!
But I cannot crawl, cannot fly!

Thunder - a grey stranger
Will come to this world.
The heavens will burn with bright flames above!
Everyone wishes to flee from this place one day,
And see the sun rise over the bay!

I cannot crawl, I cannot fly, I cannot flee, I cannot die…


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