OOC: Application

Sep 17, 2009 01:29

1. Player Information
Name (or internet handle): Hawk
Current characters in Bete Noire: fishstick Kailani Konane (jelkeshanfish)

2. Character Information
Name: Nicholas Rush
Livejournal Username: waxwingedflight
Fandom: Stargate Universe
Image: http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/93793085/21443623

3. Character Information II
Age/Appearance: Mid to late 40's and 5'8". He looks as though he doesn't take care of himself, looking as if he hasn't shaven in quite a while and seems quite thin when he's not wearing his three plus layers of clothes. He sometimes wears a pair of broken eyeglasses that he's fixed with some pieces of metal, but unless he needs to read something, he doesn't wear them.
History: http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Nicholas_Rush
Personality: The first thing people notice about Rush is that he's not the type who likes to deal with other people. He prefers to isolate himself from other people and instead do science, but he will deal with people if he absolutely has to, although he's not very pleasant to them. Most of his isolation and general need to be alone stems from the death of his wife, which happened two years prior to the series and has affected him greatly, not only making him isolate himself, but to also make himself more unlikable than he probably was before her death.

He is not someone people would choose to deal with when Rush does force himself to play with others. He constantly judges people, a right which he believes he has earned due to the fact that he has escaped from his poor childhood. Most people on the ship he tends to either outright ignore or snap at in a sarcastic manner or is just blunt about the fact they have no idea what they're doing. It's very rare when a person can get Rush to rage as much as he does when it involves the colonel, where at one point it escalated from words to physical violence. He's very stubborn and will rarely back down to an authority figure. Rush will also never follow orders if it doesn't suit him or if he just thinks the order is just plain stupid.

Rush cares only for "the greater good," which can either mean the survival of people important to the ship or anything having to do with the safety of the ship itself, to the point where he manipulates situations into his favor, like when he knew an experiment would destroy the ship and deliberately rigged it so that it would scare off the scientists in charge and allow him to stop the test before the ship was damaged. He has also tried to get people to commit suicide to save others, in one example succeeding and another failing. He will never willingly put himself into a situation where he would get himself killed, as his reason for staying alive is to study the Destiny and explore the universe. Those two things the most important things in his life after his wife died and if he has lost the chance to do both, he will let himself die, unless he can see a way of gaining those chances back and he will do everything in his power to make sure he can.

Sexual Preferences/Orientation: Rush has issues being touched to begin with, so he's not that enthusiastic about sex. I think he's bisexual, as he's had a wife in the past, but she died and he hasn't quite moved on, so if he even has thought about having any sort of casual sex, it'd be with men. If he ever moves on from his wife, he'd be more willing to have sex with a woman, but it would take him a while to.
Powers: Well, he is a manipulative bastard of a supergenius, but that's not really a power.
Reason for playing: Rush has always been the most interesting character of the show to me and the fact that he's practically the main character and a manipulative bastard of a scientist made me love him. He's a character that I've enjoyed playing in other places, but really wanted to play his canon self and see how the city would corrupt him.

5. Samples
First-Person: This is impossible! I was billions of light years away on an uninhabited planet with only a dead spaceship when what do I find when I start looking? Human civilization! And not only human civilization, but one where I'm still without a way to get back to Destiny! You can see why I'm a little...upset about this situation. While I may not have that spaceship from the planet here, I can survive just long enough to make my way back. And when I do, I'll make sure he pays.
Third-Person: He didn't exactly know why he had started walking. Maybe to see if there was anything else on the desolate planet he had been trapped on besides himself, the Stargate, and the dead alien ship he had been left under. Rage had long since turned into determination to get back to Destiny. He won't be stuck on the planet until he died and he had figured finding a source of food and water would be his best bet to stay alive until he had opened the ship and fixed it. There was no if on the subject, only when.

Rush had left the ship and after a while, things changed around him. He wanted to turn around, go back to the ship and try to fix it, but he couldn't. So Rush kept walking down the path he was now on. The land around him changed multiple times and he felt as if he had been walking for a whole day before night started to fall and a city appeared. He stopped and just stared for a moment at the city. That was impossible, but of course he had been walking on a path, unable to turn around and go back to the ship to take him back to Destiny, so impossible seemed like the theme of the day, really. Here, he would have a chance to eat. Maybe he could even find a way back to the Destiny and get back at the colonel for leaving him behind. Rush smiled slightly at the thought. It was a good idea to start walking after all.
Third-Person #2:
He almost didn't notice when the last of the scientists left, but Lisa Park had to chirp "Good night, Dr. Rush" before she stood at the door for a moment, expecting him to at least have the courtesy to say the same back to her. He didn't. She waited for a moment longer and Rush heard the door open and then slide shut as she left. It was only then that he looked up from the console he was working at, glancing around to see if there were any other scientists still away.

There was no sign of anybody else and he didn't see any kinos floating about, but they were starting to be sneakier about recording people, especially him. He guessed it had something to do with the fact that after that incident with the showers, he had threatened to upload a virus to the kinos and dismantle the next one he saw following him.

He sat back in his seat, running a hand through his hair in frustration at what he was working on. Rush was tired, but he had to get this done now. Although, there was nobody around, so he could rest his eyes just for a moment. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander away from the Destiny, knowing that any thoughts of anybody on the ship would bother him. It was no surprise who he thought about while his eyes were closed.

"Nicholas, are you working late again?" Gloria was looking over his shoulder at the paperwork he had on his desk, clearly not approving of the situation. "You need to come to bed. It's nearly one o'clock in the morning."

"Is it? I didn't even notice," he said as he looked up at her, surprised time had passed so quickly while he worked--that's how it always was. There was never enough time--and frowned slightly as he turned his head back to glance at the papers, adjusting his glasses. "I'll be going to bed soon. I promise."

She gave him a sad smile as she put a hand on his shoulder, exactly where he would when stressed. Gloria always used that as a sign to make him stop and it did what she intended, making him glance up at her again.

"You always say that. Why don't you actually do it? I miss you."

Well, that was one way to get him to stop working. He put away his paperwork and set down his glasses on the table before taking her hand that was on his shoulder and holding it gently as he stood up, glancing at her.

"I've been a terrible husband lately."

She shook her head and started leading him from his office to their bedroom, speaking softly as she did.

"You've been busy, Nicholas. I understand that. Come to bed and we can talk about it tomorrow."

And he did, moving under the sheets of their bed after he had removed his clothes and slid next to his wife, who put a hand on his chest and moved it up to his shoulder and then to his neck and up against his cheek as she looked at him, noticing he wanted to talk.

"I said tomorrow," she said just as softly as before and then kissed him. That stopped the conversation before it began as Rush kissed her back, his hands moving under the sheets to her breasts and when he touched her, she moved closer to him, making Rush end up wrapping his arms around her loosely as she moved her body against his. She seemed desperate tonight, Rush noticed quietly. Had it really been so long since they had been together like this? He couldn't remember the last time, so he decided not to waste any time overthinking things like he normally did. He moved the both of them so that she was on top of him and Gloria kissed him as she slid down onto him, muffling her moan with his mouth and Rush--

--Rush woke up with a start, glancing around for a moment before realizing there was a blanket on him. He had fallen asleep for real instead of the short nap he wanted. His glasses were on the console along with a note that he picked it. "Go to bed, Rush" it said and Rush tore it up before folding up the blanket and hanging it on the back of his chair. He then picked up his glasses and went back to work. He had enough sleep for now and he wasn't quite sure if he wanted another dream like that anytime soon.

application, *ooc

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