Title: The Blink of An Eye
Fandom: Phantom of the Opera/Batman
Characters: Bruce Wayne (Christine Wayne, Alex Wayne, Sarah, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Leslie Thompkins, Alfred Pennyworth)
Prompt: (017) Confused
Word Count: Over 100
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: The waking moments of an injured man.
100moods Christine. Siting in the chair beside the bed. Alfred used to sit there. When he woke up. From nightmares. From injuries. When he was a kid. Older. Still. The light is hitting her from behind but he can see her face in the shadows. Tears. She wipes at them reflexively. Please Chris. You know I hate to see you cry. Don't- She reaches out to pick up the picture on the nightstand. The picture of his parents in the silver frame.
Tim pushes back in the chair. He's looked at that picture so many times. He must know every curve, every indentation of the metal. He looks at them intently. Like he's committing their faces to memory. Wish you could have known them- He stands and gently replaces it on the nightstand.
She looks so tired. Now that she's on her feet, she takes the time to stretch. Work out the kinks. God Leslie- I meant to take you to dinner last week. Was going to surprise you. Bring the whole family. Why don't things go as we plan? She leans in toward him. Her fingers feel so warm against his wrist.
Sarah pulls away and drops the arm that has her watch. She seems satisfied. You should see yourself. You're going to make one hell of a doctor someday. If I don't get you killed first- She turns and starts to pace.
You never could stay still, Dick. Always have to be moving. Like it's your natural state. So much energy. So willful. So stubborn. Do things your own way. To hell with everybody else. I guess I can't blame you for being your father's son. You're better than I. At some point, you'll see it. Soon. Make it soon, Dick. He sinks into the chair.
Alex shifts. Trying to get comfortable. Know that look. Seen it on Dick, Tim. Cassandra, Barbara, and Sarah. All of you. Guilt. Shake it, Alex. Not your fault. Whatever it is, you did your best. I don't let just anybody follow me out. Did your job. Look forward now. He breathes out and snatches up the book.
Alfred flips to his place. So used to this, aren't you? So many years. You hide it so well. My old friend...
He deposits the novel in his lap, conscious of eyes upon him. "How are you, young man?"
Why does everything hurt?