Dream 1

Apr 12, 2011 00:44

The bathroom seems ordinary enough - not unlike the ones that Section 3 housing boasts, though the little details are off - and one rather large one, as well. Where the normal housing units have a simple shower, there is a large bathtub, in simple, solid, white porcelain. You step closer, and realize there’s a person sitting inside it - Bellflower. She’s not wearing any clothes, and while her hair is loose and unbraided, falling around her shoulders, it does little to cover the curves of her breasts or hide her nakedness. She seems content, leaning up against the wall of the tub, though there’s no water in it.

After a few minutes of this quiet scene, there’s the soft click of the door, and someone else enters the room - as they approach the bathtub, you see that it’s Stellaris, similarly unclothed, her bare feet nearly silent on the bathroom floor. Bellflower looks up at her, and smiles - which Stellaris returns. The lavender-haired woman climbs into the tub as well, facing Bellflower, who reaches up to caress her cheek with one hand. As Stellaris kneels in the tub, you notice that she has a glass bowl in one hand, with a clear liquid inside. She leans forward to press a gentle kiss to Bellflower’s lips, and then pulls back, to slowly drizzle the liquid in the bowl onto Bellflower’s chest. It’s got a slightly syrupy consistency, and when Stellaris is finished, she sets the bowl on the edge of the tub.

Then, carefully, she leans in and starts to lick the syrup up again, in careful, slow motions. Bellflower exhales, not quite a pleasured sigh but something close to it, and arches her back slightly into the touch. Stellaris starts at her shoulders, working her way across collar bone and down to Bellflower’s breasts. Those get special attention, slow circles traced around the areola with her tongue before she finally moves to suck on the nipple. There’s more arching of Bellflower’s back at that, and a sharp inhale of breath. Bellflower’s head is back against the edge of the tub, eyes closed, and it is clear she’s enjoying this immensely.

Stellaris moves on, lower, tracing a line down the middle of Bellflower’s stomach with her tongue, and then, after she licks the last few drips of syrup off there, she moves lower, down between Bellflower’s legs. Bellflower’s hands tighten slightly on the edge of the tub, her breaths getting shorter and harsher as Stellaris works, until finally she tenses suddenly, not even breathing for a few seconds - and then she relaxes again, pure contentment written clearly on her face. Stellaris sits up, smiles at her - and then the dream ends.
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