April Fool's Plot

Mar 18, 2010 20:03

I would like to propose a plot (which has already been mod approved). A wacky, open-ended body swap plot, to be more specific!

On Thursday, April 1, there will be an April Fool’s Day post to facilitate body swapping galore. Currently, I can offer Mojo Jojo who will, after one too many piña coladas, accidentally leave his Evil Genius Body Swapping Ray Gun™ on a table. OOPS! It can then be used by whoever picks it up and points and shoots to do a switch-a-roo with a friend/enemy/frenemy/innocent bystanders/whatevs. At the end of the day, the Loompahs will place the ray gun into Lost and Found.

(And why wouldn't people just use the ray gun to switch back right away? Because it gets hot and you drop it, or you’re too stunned, or, oh, I don't know. Make something up! Logic is all well and good until it gets in the way of hilarity!)

Mojo will put up a sign on Sunday that says "Missing - Evil Genius Body Swapping Ray Gun™" on the bulletin board to prompt characters to look in Lost and Found. Then they can retrieve the ray gun and return themselves to normal.

What would be even funnier is to have more body-swapping devices in the initial April Fool's Day post. Exploding curry, technology, potions, or whatever devices in your canons that make body switches - if your character could leave it behind/drop it/hide it in plain sight, post here and let's see if we could add it into the mix! (For ideas, please see http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreakyFridayFlip). All of these devices would disappear into Lost and Found over the weekend, through whatever contrived means we need to concoct, and be reclaimed on Sunday. Or left in Lost and Found - your call.

This is purely optional and purely for fun. You and your partner in crime determine length of time of swap (people can certainly think to check Lost and Found before Mojo posts his sign) and levels of angst and/or crack to which you aspire. In the past, body swaps have been signified by using an icon to represent what your character currently looks like, and I’d recommend that for both the convenience and the hilarity.

Please feel free to use this entry for planning silliness. Even if no one else has a body-swapping device to offer, we have Mojo’s ray gun to make this happen. *cackles*
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