Oct 22, 2004 13:50
I am probably going to go to west seattle home coming tonight, i have nothing else to do.
Oct 03, 2004 20:14
This weekend was way too short.
Sep 29, 2004 12:51
My mom said i dindt have to go to school today, becasue we did a 10k at crew. I got to sleep in for the first time in a while, it was nice.
Sep 24, 2004 23:34
I went to a tight party tonight, but got kicked out after the first 30 minutes, it was lame, therewere too many people so we had to leave. GAY.
Sep 22, 2004 22:02
This snowboard season is going to be so sick, decmber break=whistler, february=sun peaks, and sometime this winter=dannys back country ranch. soooooo sick.
Sep 22, 2004 12:22
At semester im going to switch schools, either to garfield or kennedy, because i can't stand the center school anymore.
Sep 14, 2004 19:07
This weekend im going to my cabin with noah, scott, and maybe something else. and then sunday i might go to a laser show with larken.
Sep 13, 2004 20:55
School today was alright, the first "real" day without using a syllabus. Latley has been kind of hecktec, friday i spent the night at lukes house and it was pretty fun, and then saturday i went and saw a movie and spent the night at daniels house. I lost my wallet but then later found it at mcdonalds. Hopefully school wont suck anymore.
Sep 09, 2004 18:32
Now danny fucking switched out of my humanities class and i have no one. fuck.
Sep 08, 2004 20:29
School officially sucks.