Story titles are linked to their respective
whitecollarfic announcement posts. Further information about pairings, genres, word counts, etc, can be found there.
The Evil That Men Do by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: none
Blurry by lymricks
Spoilers: Pilot, basically that's it
Vid: Right Where You Wanted Me by china_shop
Spoilers: Up to 3.06. (One non-spoilery clip from 3.07.)
I'll Figure It Out (Chuck crossover) by nevcolleil
Spoilers: none listed
Such Happy Little Clouds by elrhiarhodan
Spoilers: S3.10
These Wasted Blues by rabidchild67
Spoilers: Countdown
Catch and Release by musical_emjay
Spoilers: none listed
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by nevcolliel
Spoilers: none listed
The Thin Line by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: none
Just a Trick of the Light by loveinadoorway
Spoilers: none
Stops He Now For Breath? by virgo_79
Spoilers: spoilers through "On the Fence"
Dodging the Lies by teejay
Spoilers: Spoilers for pretty much all of season 3 up to 3x07 'Taking Account'
Peace Offering by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: none
Recap of 3.09 posted by china_shop
Spoilers: 3.09
Courier by friendshipper
Spoilers: perhaps a very small one for "Dentist of Detroit", otherwise nothing
Circumvention by nefhiriel
Spoilers: none
Endlessly rolling, wasted and stolen, changing hands, changing hands White Collar/SPN by loveinadoorway
Spoilers: none
Note: This information is copied from
whitecollarfic, and has been checked for spoilers. I haven't checked all the stories themselves or the comments on the stories. Caveat emptor. --
dragonfly Crossposted
here (