Title:100 Suju Fics
Date started: Nov.26,2007
No.of Fics:40/100
http://lucid-acolyte.livejournal.com/2250.htmlA.n: Happy birthday yeh!perv!dork! (unbeta-ed)
003. Blindfolds. Hankyung/Yehsung
G. 330 words
It was a normal day. The others were out and Yehsung was finally left alone. True, he do crave to be on the spotlight but that's on air. In reality, he just want a quiet afternoon as he think on how to take over the world relax . Unfortunately though, fate has other plans.
The first thing he realized was that everything was pitch black.
Wait...is he blind?!
Upon further inspection though, he just realized it was just a cloth blinding him.
So he returned on his relaxed state and...WAIT A SECOND! WHY IS HE ON BLINFOLD?!
His hand was quick to take it off but the unknown person behind him was quicker. Said person was fast enough to tie him on his reclining chair.
There was silence.
Still silence.
Surprisingly, someone answered "Yes".
At that, Yehsung's eyes widen behind the cloth. Is this some twisted version of twenty-one questions?
"Aren't you tired?"
"Aren't you hungry?"
"Why are you doing this?!"
"Did someone asked you to do this?"
"Damn! Tell me who you are!!!"
Yehsung was getting frustrated. He's been there for a long time and well, it's getting pretty boring.
Just then, like how his eyesight was taken, it was restored once again.
He blinked. And he blinked again. There before him was the entire Super Junior Family.
"What?" if the grinning faces were any indication, he's pretty sure this is their own crazy version of surprise party. He was about to ask who was his earlier captor was when he heard the red princess scolding the Chinaman about not taking advantage since he's been with the dork all day. In which the Chinaman simply answered he did use the blindfold and ropes on him so what's the problem. As the pair argue some more, Yehsung took one bite from his cake thinking on where he could use the materials that were used on him earlier.
If only the magnae was paying attention, he could've seen the predatory smirk on our dear birthday boy.
A/N: random and totally..well...yeah..>>