She had an epic birthday celebration, and called it Tsubakicon! It was so much fun, and it was a cosplay party! I can't believe that everyone dressed up. XDDDDD I also got lots of money for Tsubaki's birthday present! We're going to buy her an overlocker! And by buying her an overlocker, it's really more like buying US an overlocker... JUST KIDDING. XDDDDDD
And then with the EPIC CAKE. Which Tsubaki put on the roof of her car AND THEN DROVE OFF WITH IT THERE. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. XDDD Luckily it got caught on the boot and didn't fall onto the road and get run over. YUUUUUM GRAVEL. XD
So yeah, we went as half finished Minato and Mitsuru, and had such an epic time! Going to dinner was really really fun. We spent so much money on delicious food!
Us at dinner! Aren't we cute??? I love Tsubaki in glasses. X333333
We are such twins. With out matching hair colours and short hair. XDDDDD Here is the delicious aforementioned cake. X3
I even entered the hot body contest with Mitsuru and stripped. I wore Tsubaki's leather bra and put yellow stars on it because some of our friends are obsessed with the idea of me doing star boobs Yoko. They appreciated the stripping. XDDDDD
And so after this epic birthday spam, I will give you some cosplay progress. XDDDDD
I have done lots of work on my art book Euphemia costume! WOOOHOOOOOO! It is the hardest thing I have ever made, I was lucky to have my nana's help with drafting the pattern. I LOVE YOU NANA YOU ARE EPIC. Still was a complete bitch to put together. There was lots of epic banter between me and nana too. I love her. XD
Nana: God you sew really roughly!
Catty: OKay I'll sew better! *sews slower*
Nana: Why are you sewing so slow?!
Catty: Because you said it needed to be less rough and more accurate!
*1 minute passes, I'm still sewing the same line*
Nana: I can't take this anymore! I can't watch you sew. I'm leaving the room. *goes to watch the Bold and the Beautiful* XD
it was awesome. XD
The basic skirt! It's missing one ruffle thing cause I'm putting it on the bodice instead. XDDDDDD OMG my boobs look so big in this photo. XDDD And I have both brocade fabric and delustered in the skirt. The undermost layer is brocade, the two upper ones are delustered in the colour nude. It will fall a lot fuller with EPIC PETTICOAT.
Butt shot!
Here's the beginning of the bodice! With the nice brocady fabric! You can see some of the piping which I made myself cause I couldn't get it in the colour I wanted. TT_TT And all the strips I sewed. T_T Also inside those criss crosses is more brocade fabric. Man this costume is hard. XD
Also, it was hilarious, when I was sewing the bodice I was having a really hard time cause it was such a bitch. And I was listening to some new music on my MP3, turns out it was Fall Out Boy, and the most epic song came on. The first lyrics were, "I'm a stich away from making it, and a scar away from falling apart"
I pissed myself laughing so hard! XD Because I was so frustrated and I've still got a scar from running my finger over with my sewing machine.X D
Beginning of the sleeve and what not. it'll sit higher on my arm when it's done with the piping. Will need some Hollywood tape though. XD As far as I know, I'm the first person to do this costume and have the sleeves attached to the bodice and have them done with the piping. FUCK ITS HARD. SCREW YOU YOU BRIDAL COSTUME. XDDDD But deep down I know I love it, and it'll be great to wear!
Anyway, that's all the photos for today!
How are everyone else's costumes coming along?
Love Catty