Alrighty guys! Finally, after over a week of fighting with the CSS, we are ready to move!
Step One: Importing your LJ account on to DW
✒ Create free DW account with username of choice
✒ Verify email
✒ On the top bar of the website, click Organize -> Import Content
✒ Start an import
✒ On the next page, select LJ and insert your LJ username and password for that LJ account
✒ For most accounts, you can check mark everything
✒ Click Continue
✒ Click Start Import
And voila! Everything in your journals will be transferred over to DW!
Step Two: Applying for an Open ID
✒ While logged on to your character account on both LJ and DW, go
here✒ Insert the url to your LJ account in the space and click Claim Account
✒ They will send an email to the email associated with your DW account.
✒ Check email; when it comes in, click the link
Tada! Now your accounts are connected and your icons from your old LJ posts and threads in the game!
Step Three (Optional): LJ Login
✒ If you use the add-on for Firefox (I'm sure the process is similar in LJ Tumbler for Google Chrome), click on the userhead in the bottom right corner
✒ Click preferences
✒ Check mark Dreamwidth
It's the exact same process to add and change accounts for the DW side (which should be red, whereas LJ is blue) as it is with LJ.
Step Four (Optional): Bringing over your special LJ Layout to DW
Visit this link for step-by-step instructions✒ However, because they are easy to get lost in, feel free to PM me or ping me if you need help or if something's not panning out right.
You have one week to move over to DW and request to join all five communities.
If you do not request to join all of them, I will start to breathe on you. Heavily. And flicker your bedroom light like Spongebob's Nosferatu.
After that week, unless you bring a special case or legitimate excuse to Beth's or my knowledge, you will be dropped from the game and will have to re-app (however, I will not require you to wait two weeks after the drop; you may reserve and/or app right away).
Happy moving, Academy!
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