this is
we-are-cities: a twice-weekly prompt community
dedicated to the weemo/FBR fandom & related friends and/or enemies.
this is who we are;
WEARECITIES works like any other prompt community: every Tuesday & Saturday, we post a prompt to inspire you, to make you laugh, think, twitch -- anything to help you write. could be a photo, a poem, a song, a recipe for gingerbread... just something new, to write a hundred words (or more!) about.
you can then use the community to share things you've written! and, like, read stuff! it is simple, clean, and easy. not like life, but at least somethings in life can be like that. we are optimists here!
these are the sounds we love;
**to be clear, W.A.C. covers fiction for:
FBR bands (Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, The Hush Sound, Cobra Starship, The Academy Is..., Gym Class Heroes, &co.); My Chemical Romance; and people from the Long Island history of grand old feuding (Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Straylight Run). all of these bands are interrelated, having toured together, grown up together, fought each other. fun times!
also valid: (ex)girlfriends, previous band involvements, and everyone related to the main canon of our beloved fandom!
this is the way we love;
credit and confetti go to
scarvesnhats & co. and the brilliant masterminds behind those comms; we kinda nicked this idea off them, so if you sail the good ship r/s, give them love.
this community supports:
bandslash_betas -- 'cause friends don't let friends go unbeta'd.
panic_gen -- because, like many things, there is always more to tell.
hojascaidas -- our sister prompt community, en Español!
(for now, affiliations are CLOSED. leave us a note if there's something you'd like us to check out, though!)
and by the by? we say it in
every prompt post. we love everyone who has joined and watched W.A.C. to make it what it is today. thank you.
this is how we do;
sobrellevar and
sonstoodstammer wind up the clockwork around here, so feel free to contact us for anything! (there's information in our lj-profiles.)
you can also leave suggestions for prompts or any questions you might have in the most recent prompt post!
this is how we roll;
there is totally no pressure to do every prompt, just do the ones that really capture your interest!
write at least 100 words for your prompt, but feel free to keep going~! any rating, warn if you feel it's worth warning about.
you can post your response to any future prompt even if it's weeks late. we're here to encourage you to write, not make you frantic and force you to keep up with the pace.
since we do allow people to post late responses, this makes the next reminder v. necessary for organizational purposes...
tag your posts! use the month + day (you will see it in the tags of every prompt we post) to make browsing for others easier. it will be good for us in the long run, like vegetables!
you don't have to post directly to the comm; just post with a link to wherever you've posted (your journal, some other comm, whatever).
important! it is commonsense & etiquette: please do not use this community solely to promote other communities! you can contact either of the moderators in any of the various ways listed below, and if you ask for permission, we might even allow you to promote your community. we're not trying to be self-important or selfish; people join and friend this community for fic and prompts, not comm-promotions or anything else. please consider them, alright? thank you!
p.s. the look;
you can use this handy template for your posts here (it's now a WAC signature), or just, yknow. make your own. we won't get too crazy about formatting. life is complicated enough!
place the title of your drabble here!(# of words here!) // (give a rating if you feel like it here)
prompt month&day.
warnings or comments can go here!
*or* you can do an external link!
( some text for your link ) you'll notice that this isn't the standard Title:... Author:... type template because
sobrellevar doesn't think it's pretty. XD
o.k., so now you are INFORMED!
join or
watch the comm TODAY. :D
( this information post was last updated: 9:53 p.m. // 18 may 07 )
omg this is so so so thanks to
...YOU GUUUUUYS, DARREN WILSON AND HIS MOUTH. I APPROVE. i hope d. wilson does, too.