+ why do you think you're cool?: a few reasons. im rad and spell my name with an I instead of an E. [My name is Alix] & it isn't short for anything. but yeah I guess that's my parents coolness--not mine.
um. i obsess over everything. absolutly everything. only cool people can do that
i constantly tell myself how cool i am. boosts my confidence.
avacado & cheese are my favorite foods.
i'm a vegetarian :D
my layout&user info have robots in them. the one in my info dances
and, im just cool.
Talk about yourself.
+name:Alix Rose Snyder
+location:Agoura Hills, ca
+anything else you think we should know: i'm in love with jake gyllnehaal. & i listen to songs in hebrew that i dont understand but they are just amazing.
+ 7 bands:Backstreet Boys, Tenatious D, Ima Robot [heh thanks erin :D], The Ataris, From First To Last, Sublime, Ben Kweller
+ 7 least favorite bands : GOOD CHARLOTTE, nsync, The Who [I'm going to get shit for this. I always do], Simple Plan, New Found Glory, Yellowcard, Wicked[I know it isn't a band, its a musical. But I cannot stand the music from it.]
+ books: Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret [I think I've read it 20 times], Summer Sisters, Gossip Girl series.
+ movies: Now and Then, Princess Bride, The Sandlot, Donnie Darko
+ animal: LLAMA. [mhm awhile back I even made a llama community]
+ candy: twizzlers.
random shit: Last night I was making a cake. I was spreading on the frosting with a rubber spatula. And discovered the beauty and amazment of spatulas. Yeah, you know theyre awesome. &i have pink hair. well, now its sorta red
+ who would you rather do... oprah or rosie o'donnel? (neither is not an answer. pick one, dickweed) Oprah. Those squish ball things that rosie o donnel used to flig at her audience on her show scared me. And Oprahs got dr. phil connections.
+ what superpower would you have and why? telekinesis, Kyle.
+ pet peeves. make a long list.
wow. k. you know how when it's raining and the windsheild wipers leave a tiny triangle of water at the bottom of the windsheild? yeah i want to kill that. oh and also how theres always a line of water that the windsheild wipers fight over and it just goes back and forth. I have to look out the other windows when it's raining.
hair, anywhere. i'm afraid of hair. except when its on my head. if a strand comes out, i freak.
people who wave meat in my face strictly for their amusment.
realizing you dont have a towel after you shower and you have to run around naked&cold
orange juice that has pulp
throwing up
having a stuff nose and not being able to breathe through it and then forgetting to breathe through your mouth
people who dis degrassi.
uggs over jeans. only the black ones. i have no problem with the people that wear them, the look just strongly reminds me of a lumber jack.
+ if you killed someone, how would you do it? poison. its not messy.
+ explain your username- I'M JUST UBERCOOL[why else would I be joining this community?] and at the time of making it, i had an obsession with the word uber
+ what is the best pick-up line you know?- if I were a dog would you burry my bone? [yeah, you kinda have to be a guy to say it, but it just makes it ten times better when youre a girl]
+ what is directly to the right of you?-my bed/dresser. all my furniture was my great grandpas so its 80 years old. my bed makes a lot of noise. its irritating.
+ what does Mr. Fuzzy say? nothing. cause i killed it. i HATE fuzzy things. fuzzy is like hair and yeah.
+ what would you do with $6.69? i'd buy a 6 dollar jar of frosting and prace around singing 'hah i have frosting and 69 cents! haha 69
+ if you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be? Wonderwall/Oasis. I know it's so cliche but anysong that can make me laugh and cry and give me awesome memories at the same time is worth it.
+ sex or sxe? sxe is sex
mmm that was exciting