Spring Has Sprung

May 08, 2014 20:32

Spring has finally sprung and I've been taking every spare semi-warm moment to get outside and enjoy not being layered in 12 blankets, a parka and several animals.

It was a long, difficult winter for us here in the Dreamerz Keep....we lost our little fur baby Gigi. She was our Tiny Warrior, my husband's hell hound and an endless source of laughter and joy. She will be missed so very much. We were heartbroken but it was expected. She was 13 after all. But it felt like one minute she was frisky and playing boarder patrol in the back yard to sick and unable to eat. It was several things that took her from us. But mainly it was old age.

At the beginning of March my husband suggested that maybe we should think about getting Milton (our other Chi who was clearly depressed) a friend. I kind of think maybe it was more for himself...but I agreed either way. Hubby was depressed too and we needed to lift the veil of sadness. I thought we'd get a puppy. Instead we ended up rescuing a kitten from the Humane Society who instantly became my BFF, scarf and shadow. She was about 6 months when we brought her home. I named her Mynerva Grace...or Mynnie for short. (Mynerva after Professor McGonnagall from Harry Potter and Grace because she leans so far into the love and attention she sometimes loses her balance....but of course she meant to do that.) Milton and Mynnie have an interesting relationship. She keeps him on his toes and he makes sure to show her how best to con us out of food. They've formed a team. She jumps to the higher places and bats things down for him.

Still writing. Actually moving forward...which is nice to see. More from me soon. I think I have about 15 thousand posts to catch up on. =) Nice to be back.



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