here are 11 pictures from the last few weeks. they may not be of interest to all. and be warned, there are several pictures of kids so it is bound to be a bit gushy.
this is the co-host and her mister. tacky as usual.
these ass holes with improper attire are my brothers. it was nice they could make it.
and the only other one that made its way onto my camera.
then at my grandma's, my loaded uncle challenged me to a beer chugging (though to be fair i was the one who broached the subject to begin with). i won 2 out of 3.
this is pretty much the closest thing we get to a family portrait. you've got to love the goofy look on my dad's face though, right?
now here come the soft and tender ones. this is brooklynn. she's not asian at all. she looks it though.
machan started getting really into that movie happy feet. so she bought this giant penguin and then got super stoked about giving it to this meatloaf.
this is him getting electrocuted.
his name is caleb and with him is the intelligent and gorgeous carson. and reggie the mammoth cat.
and i doubled as a jungle gym. that's cameron. that means shrimp. i broke the news to him gently that he's not going to be very big when he grows up.
i'm going to start trying to eat breakfast everyday. and i noticed that it's been three days since i've had french fries and i think that's the longest i've gone in a long time. i'll keep you posted on how that pans out.