101 Things in 1001 Days

Jan 03, 2011 10:16

I'm declaring 1/1/09 Day one even though I didn't know about this until today, just for the sake of simple tracking.

But yeah. I wanna do this. I don't really feel like joining the community so I'm just going to post my list here. It may take a while for me to develop the list... but this will be my list post. :) YAY!

On some of the items I was stipulating - "Barring illness or travel complications" but it got to be redundant and repetitive, so let's just assume that goals like "Do x so many times inarow/inaweek/inamonth/forsomanymonths" is barring illness or travel complications. :) I'm not considering myself a failure on one of my tasks if I can't complete it due to unforseeable location difficulties or being sick.

Fitness - 5/19
1. Run organized 10K
2. Run half-marathon
3. Get a bike!
4. Train for Sprint triathlon
5. Progress as far as possible on assisted dip/chinup machine. (I have thus far not attempted it, so not setting a specific goal works for me at this point in time.)
6. Have body fat % professionally measured at rec center by the BOD POD. (Save some Christmas Money for it?) DONE - 30.4%
7. Lower body fat % to 23%.
8. Run over 300 miles in 2009. 109.59 miles - 36.53% down
9. Run over 400 miles in 2010.
10. Go to a yoga class.
11. Go to a water aerobics class.*DONE!*
12. Go to a strength training related class (Hips, Butts & Guts, Stretch&Tone, whatever)
13. Exercise a minimum of 3x a week for the entire 1001 days. :)
14. Go to a dance class.YAY!
15. Maintain my weight between 165-170. NEW GOAL: Lower to 160 in attempt to lose body fat and re-evaluate at that point.
16. Get up to 20min on Stairclimber machine.
17. Perform a full cycle of Making the Cut w/ two reps of each circuit.DONE!
18. Complete the Hundred Pushups Challenge.
19. Actually try a full workout from Oxygen magazine.

Nutrition - 4
1. Continue to drink at least 64oz of water each day.
2. Eat at least one fruit and veggie each day.
3. Visit the farmer's market at least 3 times.
4. Make a VALIANT EFFORT to take my multivitamin each day.

Spiritual - 15
1. GO TO THE TEMPLE at least three times. (Ideally I'd like a once a month record, but considering I'm haven't been since Feb-08 I'll go for once per year ish. 1001 days is apparently 2.75years.)
2. Read scriptures daily for one month. (This is one of those things I'd like to do forever, but since I'm building it as a goal for myself, I'll track it for the list for one month!)
3. Attend FULL church meetings for six months straight.
4. Never miss sacrament meeting.
5. Pray twice daily for one month. (ditto to number 2!)
6. Attend 3 church activities outside of Sunday attendance.
7. Get copy of patriarchal blessing! DO IT!
8. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
9. Read the Book of Mormon once.
10. Read the Bible once.
11. Prepare by reading the lessons in advance for Sunday School/Relief Society for 3 months.
12. Submit a name to the temple from Family History work (see LIFE goal #4.)
13. Go through temple w/ Joseph before he goes on his mission.
14. Do Visiting Teaching at least twice. (I'm so horrible at this I want to set the bar low, but higher than DOING IT ONCE.)
15. Feed the missionaries twice.

Mental/Education - 9
1. Read 100+ books/graphic novels.
2. Obtain unofficial transcript from FSU.
3. Research schools in possible areas for DearHusband's employment.
4. Decide major course of action for education. (Nutrition, fitness, music ed, MusicEd + Fitness cert?)
5. Have Official Transcript sent to schools applying to.
6. Have SAT score sent to schools requiring it.
7. Have ACT score sent to schools requiring it.
8. Get whatever credits can transfer transferred and START BACK TO SCHOOL.
9. Download more Japanesepod101.com Podcasts and practice Japanese in the car again.

Fun - 3/13
1. Grow something I can eat. (Even if it's just some herbs in a windowbox!)
2. Go to 3 concerts. (rock/whatever) 4/3 DONE
3. Attend a concert at UA. (Band or orchestra or jazz or something)
4. Grow my hair past my shoulders. (working on it!)
5. Go camping.
6. Train dog to fetch.
7. Train dog "down".
8. Train dog "stay".
9. Train dog to focus.
10. See Watchmen on OPENING NIGHT. :)HECK YEAH!
11. Go hiking. DONE IN SAN DIEGO!
12. Go to an Arts thing in Downtown Northport sometime.
13. Go to a crawfish boil w/ Jamie.

Practicing Talents/Skills - 4/28
1. Practice trombone once per week minimum starting 1/12/09.
2. Draw something once a month.
3. Sew 3 things.
4. Cook 3 times a week except for vacations!
5. Learn to knit.
6. Make an item of jewelry for myself.
7. Make a keychainthingie for DH.
8. Make a Christmas gift for each family member in 2009.
9. Learn to prepare a traditional Mongolian dish.
10. Cook something from an African recipe.
11. Cook something from a Japanese recipe.
12. Cook something from a Chinese recipe.
13. Cook something from a Thai recipe. DONE!
14. Cook something from an Indian recipe. DONE!
15. Cook something from a Korean recipe.
16. Cook something from a Moroccan recipe.
17. Bake some bread.
18. Make a cake from scratch.
19. Make a pie from scratch.
20. Roast a pork tenderloin.
21. Make cornbread from scratch.
22. Make soft pretzels from scratch.
23. Cook something w/ dried beans. (Cook my own beans!)
24. Attempt making a cheese.
25. Make a granola from scratch.
26. Make sushi at home at least twice.
27. Learn a new recipe for a find at the farmer's market (see nutrition #3).
28. Prepare a recipe w/ Tempeh.

LIFE - 1/5
1. Move from Tuscaloosa.
2. Organize the Office Closet and purge as necessary. :)
3. Get geneology info from my Mom.
4. USE the Family History Center to do some geneology work.
5. Do my own taxes. DONE!

Friends/Family/Social - 1/8
1. Mail some actual physical SOMETHING to my sister in Mongolia. DONE!
2. Send something to sweet onfruitstreet.
3. Do something WITH FRIEND type people once a month.
4. Communicate with my family at least once a week. (chat, email, phone)
5. Send my family birthday cards. (even if they're homemade!)
6. Do Christmas cards at least one year.
7. Visit after Jennifer comes home from her mission.
8. Make an effort to visit w/ McKeen's sometime soonish. (written 3/4/2009)

Total Items: 101
Total Completed: 15
Percentage Complete: 14.85%
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