Hey HEY hey!

Apr 11, 2010 23:10

The Inaugural we_pimpin  Party Post!

Ok, guys, this is the very first we_pimpin  party post! We're gonna christen this baby with the biggest damn Ray-Ray post the world has ever seen. Our comm is the motherfucking answer, let's prove it and start shit off with a bang!

Things I Want (that you all have to make happen)

*Picspams, baby! I've started you off (and it nearly KILLED me) but I know there're heaps of awesome shots I've missed, it's up to you all to fill in the gaps.

*Gimme some gif sugar - load us up until all our browsers crash under the strain!

*You know what everyone loves? COMMENT!FIC. Cracky, shmoopy, smutty, whatever, if it's about Ray throw it in!

*Comment!fic's no fun without prompts and plotbunnies! Inspire us, bbs - for example "Ray/Ray/Ray threesome, something to do with a cucumber."

*Your favourite Ray quotes, and 'every time he opens his mouth' is not a valid answer. I will however accept 'Oh, fuck yeah, Brad, harder, harder..."

*Whatever the fuck else you want, we_pimpin  party posts embrace anarchy like Ray embraces Ripped Fuel.

So over to you, kids. Use this as your open-all-hours Ray Person playground, have fun, stay frosty and if in doubt just remember the immortal words of our dearest pal - "What the fuck does any of this have to do with jerking off?"

Ray's pimp glasses of sex invite you in...

(all caps used are from here)

Ok, guys, over to you. I need to go to bed, hopefully you'll have blown me away with awesome by the time I get up!

"I'm on it like a motherfucker, Brad!"

picspam, party post

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