I felt like doing both so there's more questions to answer.
Name/Age/Location: Steve/18/Southern California
Live with your parents? For a couple more months...
Drugs you've tried: Marijuana, DXM, Valium, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Shrooms, Ecstasy, Methamphetamine, Nicotine, Salvia
Drugs you want to try: LSD, Mescaline, Ritalin, Amphetamine, Cocaine
Worst drug: Methamphetamine
Your best drug related story: First Shrooming experience: Saw lots of purple walls, lots of small shrooms hopping around, friends were tripping off the same caps except for one who dosed DXM, saw multiple universes while staring up at the sky on a sidewalk, talked to a few trees, and wrote a few pages on how exactly that experience changed my life on the comedown.
Political views? I want purely democratic freedom.
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
Longest trip: Meth. That lasted for 2 days. Ugh.
Shortest trip: My weed trips usually last about half an hour until I go back to my stoned state of mind.
Can you hackysack? I used to be able to back in high school. :/
Favourite drug: SO far, ecstasy by far.
Favourite piece (pics?):
My Dynamite sandblasted bubbler.Favourite smoking buddy (pics?):
JD[the guy]Favourite munchies: Cheetoes Spiral Puffs. Then Wheat Thins.
Favourite activity to do while tripping: Stare up at the nightsky.
Favourite stoner movie? Supertroopers
Favourite famous druggie: Thomas Chong.
Favourite joke: I have no good original jokes. :[
Meth: A dash in a good MDMA pill works for me! Otherwise, I'd never do the stuff by itself again, it fucks people's lives up if they aren't careful with the substance.
Legalization of marijuana: I'm all for it, I already get most of my supply for the Cannibus Clubs in CA, shouldn't everyone else?
Subliminal messages: Depends on how the messages are shown. When used unwisely or to gain control of people, I am fully against those. However, for a more positive use[think subconious mind], such as improving self-esteem and more, I love it.
Community related
How did you find us? From the community ismokeweed
Promote three places (will become 2 once we get more members) and show the links:
1 2[The other communities specifically said no advertising...]
Make a banner (optional, points if we use it): I'll do it later[really!]
2-5 pictures of you:
Meeeee. At Disney.Rave with a good friend.Knotts Scary Farm.I've since shaved my head twice.I'mma eat you.Pictures of you doing drugs (optional): I deleted all of mine. :(
Pictures of your stash/collection (optional):
March 06 when I had only been smoking steadily for a month.My first piece was the plastic bubbler.My still-unnamed spoon. IANIA`S APPLICATION:
name: Steve
age: 18
location: Southern California
sex: Male
sexual orientation: Homo
top 5-10 bands/singers/dj/etc: The Cure, The SMiths, Scott Brown, Hixxy, Antisocial, Scissor Sisters, 311, Belle and Sebastian, Gnarls Barkley, Brazilian Girls, The Cranberries, Yes, The Who, Jurassic 5, Madonna, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd, Millencolin
top 5 movies: Little Miss Sunshine, Donnie Darko, Kill Bill, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Shaun of the Dead
favorite arts: Pottery and sculpting
favorite ways to chill: Empty garages with strobes, fog machines, good friends, and good rock.
favorite places: Disneyland,
here, and
drugs youve done: Marijuana, DXM, Valium, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Shrooms, Ecstasy, Methamphetamine, Nicotine, Salvia, and Nitrous[Medical and Whippits]
drugs of choise: Marijuana, Ecstasy, and shrooms.
best trip: First shrooms experience.; 3g of golden something or other caps.
worst trip: Last time I smoked WAY too much weed I started getting paranoid of all my friends and my surroundings.
drugs you want to try: LSD, Mescaline, Ritalin, Amphetamine, Cocaine
how often do you do drugs: Weed - Daily. Ecstasy - Once a month. Shrooms - As often as I can(about once every other month :( ). Everything else - rarely.
your ways to enjoy drugs: Chill with friends. Massive raves, desert raves, inhome rolling parties, beaches, parks.
OPINIONS:[pic 2-3]
addiction: Gotta be careful with it. I'm addicted to weed myself, trying to kick the daily habit, but with soe much at my disposal, it's hard to resist. Addiction can fuck up your life, though, when one gets too far down the rabbit hole there's no way to climb your way out of it.
mental illness: Psychopathy, etc? Sucks for whoever gained it naturally or by a traumatic event. Anxiety, OCD, Depression, bi polar tendencies, etc - I get them every once in awhile, I can deal.
parental advisory: I strongly approve now that I'm past the age of where I wanted to rebel and get my hands on all I could that parents saw as unfit to have at that age.
overdoseing: I know a bit of medical techniques so I could help someone if I saw them ODing, but it's really their fault for not paying more attention to the dosage and what exactly it is.
politics: I'm all for democratic Freedom[you know, the US Constitution]
legalisation: Of harmless plants, why the hell not? For chemicals, I'm all for pharmaceutical usage.
any oppinion for the comm?: Nicve design, nice apps, nice banners. I still need to try LSD, though. rofl
promote us at 3 places & provide links:
1 2[The other communities specifically said no advertising...]
at least 5 clear face shots of yourself:
Meeeee. At Disney.Rave with a good friend.Knotts Scary Farm.I've since shaved my head twice.I'mma eat you.
body shots (optional):
pics youre doing drugs or youre high (optional): I deleted all of mine for legal reasons.
trippy pictures youve take (optional): I'll have to do some of this when tripping...
your friends (optional): Very few of my friend sare druggies, so I'd rather give them the courtesy of not posting them in a drug community. :]
other pictures you want to share (optional):
OMG, SHOES.a href="
http://myspace-926.vo.llnwd.net/01282/62/95/1282865926_l.jpg">Local vista point that I like chilling at.