Name/Age/Location: Ashley/17/Miami,Florida
Live with your parents? I live with my mommy. My dad died 3 and a half years ago of a drug overdose.
Drugs you've tried: Pot, ecstasy, and I've done my share of pill popping.
Drugs you want to try: When shrooms come in to season down here I wanna try them, I wanna try acid, that's pretty much it. I wont touch anything addictive.
Worst drug: Anything addictive, but it's cause of a promise I made to my brother. Nothing personal.
Your best drug related story: Well, shit, probably a fun time for me was at a rolling party my friend hosted this past summer where I made out with 2 of my female friends, watched two of my male friends make out [one being my crush/fuck buddy :P], then shortly after all this I made out with my friend/fuck buddy. Rolling and making out is always fun. :P Oh, then we broke glow sticks and spattered them all over the hallways and made the place look like a fucking solar system. Then we went into Kyle's backyard and started a bonfire.
Political views? Liberal as fuck. Anti-war but I know that at this point, pulling out completely would be eh....I'm of two minds. I'm pro-choice but I would personally never have an abortion cause I do believe in the right to live, but I don't think ANYONE has the right to tell a woman what she can do with her body. I'm pro gay rights in every god damn form because GAY PEOPLE ARE TEH COOLEST! :P Fuck Bush, Gonzo would make a better president than he does. Okay, next question.....
Sexual orientation: Bi sexual. Not the "Oh I'll make out with a girl but I could NEVER date one!" kind, no, fuck that. Go kill yourself cause you're not that hXc.
Longest trip: A toss between my first roll and my third roll. My first roll I did 4 in one night, same with my third. But the third time they rolls were sooooo good. I rolled so fucking hard.
Shortest trip: At this kid Lous party. Gah it some really shitty rolls, luckily I bought two Blue Euros so I was good.
Can you hackysack? I can't but my friends do.
Favourite drug: Ecstasy and pot.
Favourite piece (pics?): What Karl ordered yesterday. [it's on it's way to my house RIGHT NOW! ^_^] smoking buddy (pics?):
My Karl, best friend, crush, coolest guy ever. Me part 2 pretty much.
This awesome kid named THE BROWN! [or Brownie...Aaron....whatever]
That's a Kyle, Kyle is my big stoner and I fucking love him.
This is a PollyDoll, and a PollyDoll is uhamazing. She's my little hippie and I <3 her.
Favourite munchies: KFC! Chips and salsa. TV dinners! And I love to raid Kyle's fridge cause his mom buys lots of good shit. :P
Favourite activity to do while tripping: Cuddle, talk, make friends, watch people rave, listen to people free-style.
Favourite stoner movie? How High, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, Half Baked, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Requiem for a Dream, and Blow.
Favourite famous druggie: Hunter Thompson, Tommy Chong, Johnny Cash, Jim Morrison, aaannndddd....ummm...Manson.
Favourite joke:
Gaaaahhh! All my jokes are REALLY long and I'm lazy soooooo....
Who's there?
Impaitent cow.
....yeah...I suck....
Meth: Wont touch it. It's addictive. My dad was a crack addict my whole life so yeah, when he died I promised my brother I'd never touch anything addictive.
Legalization of marijuana: I doubt it'll happen. One can always hope though.
Subliminal messages: o_o....I must kick all the bebbehs in the world....-spaz-...whoops, I mean, does that shit still happen? O_o
Community related
How did you find us? Shittfucked
Promote three places (will become 2 once we get more members) and show the links: a banner (optional, points if we use it): I'll make one at school another day. :)
2-5 pictures of you:
Pictures of you doing drugs (optional): My friends are paranoid and refuse to take pictures with our shit in it. >_<
Pictures of your stash/collection (optional):
Again, don't got any of these. >_<
I tried to not be boring in my app....hope I didn't over-do it.....
[p.s. didn't know if I was supposed to make it friends only, so it's public right now.]