Notice how I don't typically make tutorials by request? I find them fun.
Aslan header tutorial
Tutorial for PS CS2, probably translatable
First I took a promo Narnia pic from
thephotobox and cropped it down like this. Did my usual Auto Levels and Contrast (colour looked funny).
Next, a Curves Adjustment Layer (oh noes!) with these settings:
(green was left alone)
Next another Curves Adjustment Layer, though I just brought the Green up slightly, and I'm too lazy to screenshot it. Doesn't make too much of a difference, but I'm anal about that stuff.
Now, for my favorite trendy technique, pink set to soft light!
#f679f8 set to Soft Light 100%.
Then #fbf1cf set to Multiply 100%
And then, #000028 set to Exclusion 100%
Next, I went back to my base layer, duplicated, desaturated, dragged to the top of the layers, and set to Soft Light 100%
Then another layer filled with #8ee490 set to Colour Burn 100% Fill 80%
See, I'm having fun with layer colouring now. Next up #fede6e set to Hard Light 50% Fill 80%
I wanted some of the contrast back, so I went back to my base yet again, duplicated and dragged to top, set to Soft Light Fill 90%
Next for the part that everybody is actually here for, a texture by
Vered pasted ontop and set to Multiply 100%.
Now I was going to add more to it, but I liked it like this.
Previous Tutorials
here Tutorial Indexes
Part One,
Part Two and
Part Three