1. name/age/sex: Brett 18 male
2. boyfriend/girlfriend? if yes then post a picture: yeah
3. tell us about your self: I'm that guy that likes to write poetry in the corner of your local coffee shops. I am that one kid who is pretty loud when it comes to hanging out in groups of people. I'm the sensitive guy when it comes to watching chick flicks, yeah, i cry. I'm also the one who most people trust with their biggest secrets. I like myself. I hope you do too. :]
4. put us in your info:
dancedthedance5. who is the most attractive female and male in the community? (it can't be the current king and queen or one of the mods):
60526 male:
alexsarus6. 5+ pictures:
7. 200x266 picture for the members page:
8. to give the app a little more leave your myspace link: www.myspace.com/_jump_the_gun