Title: The Last of Us (Continuation of 'One')
Fandom: Eureka
Characters: General, but implied Jack.
Prompt: #001 - Ashes.
Rating: PG-13 for adult themes
Word Count: 134
Written for
10_FICS Then from the ashes a few did arise,
those we had thought long passed.
We worked into the night,
rebuilding what we once had,
giving it our best and constantly praying that it would be enough.
Those who remained came together,
and no blame was assigned.
It would do no good to point fingers now.
A referendum was held and I was voted 'mayor',
these people still seek my leadership
even though i destroyed their lives and killed their friends and family.
The repairs are coming along now,
and a mass funeral was held in honor of those lost.
Yet, there are still people missing,
and not a day goes by that we don't hope and pray that they are sound safely.
Science has failed us, it cannot bring the dead back to life.