Title: Tempted (by a Simple Smile)
Fandom: The X Files
Character(s) or Pairing: Dana Scully/Samantha Cater (SG1)
Prompt: Collide "Tempted"
Rating: M (adult themes, homosexual themes)
Summary: What happens when Samantha Carter and Dana Scully cross each other on the street.
Word Count: 170
Written for
songfic10 Her image haunts me, like a past long forgotten, cold and stale.
Wanting her like nothing else.
Needing her like I needed oxygen.
It's funny how a simple smile can change your life forever.
It had been just hours since we crossed paths, and yet, I felt as though I had lost something.
Something that given half a chance could have been very dear to me.
If only things had been different, maybe we would have meant something to each other.
Would have I considered her different had I known who she was, what her purpose was?
Would I have felt inferior to her intellect and value?
Would she have accepted me?
Time seemed to slow, as it were, when we passed each other.
We had both looked behind us to see who had been the cause of the inevitable chill coursing through us.
A smile graced her beautiful lips and that was when I knew.
I’d never feel the same again.