Title: Soul Alight
Fandom: The X Files
Character(s) or Pairing: Fox Mulder/Monica Reyes
Rating: M
Summary: Mulder muses on his relationship with Agent Reyes, and what to do about his feelings.
Word Count: 261
Request for
xfirefly9x When would it stop? Would it ever stop? He felt their was no chance as he sat at his computer desk, moving backwards and forwards in his chair rythmically. What could he say to make it stop? He was suffering, and there was only one way to end it.
Turning on the computer, he wondered what he would tell her. The obvious to Mulder was not nessessarily his best course of action. He was acting like a fool and he knew it.
The computer loaded finally, and he opened his email. He put in her address at the top of the email and began to type.
Supermassive Blackhole
His mind threw his thoughts at him, a million miles a minute. They didn't slow down, not even for him to catergorize them for easy reference later. He could have stabbed himself in the head.
His very soul was burning, and it was all he could do not to pick up the phone and call her. No, the indirect approach would be best in this case.
When he had finally finished the email, he looked back over it at once and he soon realised that it made no sense at all. The entire email was a jumbled mess of half sentances, forgotten grammar marks, and meaningless twottle.
He exclaimed loudly, and closed the box. Why did he think he would be able to explain it?
Getting up from his chair, he poured himself another glass of vodka and orange juice and sat down on his couch, he was in for a long night.