Title: Losing Control
Fandom: Stargate SG1
Character(s) and Pairing: Sam/Jack
Prompt: "Vociferously"
Rating: M (abuse violence and adult themes)
Summary: Jack loses control, and Sam enjoys it.
Word Count: 400
Written for
a_to_z_prompts As Jack walked into the room with a solemn glare etched into his handsome features, Sam looked up from her paperwork on the latest recon mission to p4x 765. Sam wondered why Jack looked so mad.
Jack made a fist. “I’m so mad I just want to hit something, anything.” He spoke in such a calm, controlled voice that it made Sam shiver.
Sam put down the work she had been doing and stood up to face him, the days work already forgotten. “Hit me.” She was only half joking.
Jack looked at her a moment, and flung around hitting the wall behind him with his fist. Sam flinched as Jack stormed from the room.
Two days later Jack arrived in her room again with the same expression on his weary face, the same overwhelming urge to hit something coursing through his veins.
This time Sam didn’t wait for Jack to say anything; she stood first, looking him in the eyes.
“Hit me.” This time she wasn’t joking. She needed him to hit her; she needed to lose the precious control that she held so dear. She needed to let go.
He moved towards her, his anger dissipating.
Sam flinched, and more than anything else this seemed to anger Jack again. “I’m not going to hit you.” He said with disgust.
“But I want you too.” Sam’s pulsed quickened, she couldn’t have stopped herself. It slipped.
Before Sam could process what was going on, Jack had slammed her into the wall behind her with great force, and she cried out in pain. Jack silenced her with a kiss, and Sam melted into his embrace, but only for a moment.
Sam soon gained control, unaware that this was the exact opposite of what she was trying to accomplish. Soon, she flung Jack backward with as much force as she could muster, and his head connected with the back wall with a sickening thud. Sam watched in fascination as he stood up.
Jack advanced on the woman, looking her directly in the eyes. He raised his hand.
Sam smiled, watching him with conviction and held her ground.
Just do it. Hit me.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh could be heard as Jack’s hand connected with Sam’s jaw.
Sam whimpered and fell to the floor in an inelegant heap; she had lost control.
Jack stood still, and made no attempt to help her.