Aug 11, 2006 13:58
we r teh bored
so we will prolly go to teh movies
and see
Talladega Nights
at 7:20
call me on my cell if you can go (575-1176) or even if you cant
Aug 02, 2006 21:34
can i get a "w00t w00t" for central air?
Aug 01, 2006 19:27
woot new icon!!!
and, we are looking into seeing Talladega Nights some time next week, prolly at night (like 7:30 or later kinda thing)....
what days are good?
Jul 29, 2006 22:01
for those of you who didnt know....
8:45 monday, holiday, monster house
Jul 29, 2006 00:20
....and ill give you 5 bucks.
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Jul 27, 2006 13:33
movies this weekend? maybe? any ideas? i r teh bored =/