x:|:x To korkster x:|:x

Aug 26, 2004 13:36

Hey you, living for tomorrow ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sPaNk YoU! k_o_r_i August 26 2004, 18:01:21 UTC
Thanks Nikki...Its nice to know that you care. I talked with my mom cuz a few things "came out of the closet" about some things that have been going on with me...Id like to talk to you about it so call me or ill call you or get online!

k O r K s T e R


grandma_moses August 27 2004, 01:07:54 UTC
hells yeah ashley simpson rocks! :P

and kori whatever is bothering you don't let it get you down. and if you ever need someone else to talk to i'm here for ya


grandma_moses August 27 2004, 01:08:48 UTC
woops sorry ashlee simpson (sorry my sister's name is ashley used to writing it that way)


wearin_thin_03 August 27 2004, 09:18:38 UTC
tee hee....thats cute kylie! haha!


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