Bridgette is strongest with her medium ability. She can interact with the spirits of dead people, including touching them. Not everyone who dies becomes a ghost, of course; generally murder victims or people who die unexpected, violent deaths tend to cling to their false lives on this plane.
While ghosts can have a connection to the Designs of the Universe ("There's not much you can't see from this side"), only certain ghosts do, and they're often very vague. Most spirits only know what they themselves experienced.
Considering Captain Trips, Bridgette sees surprisingly few ghosts. Unbeknownst to her, her mother and father are putting in some ghostly overtime trying to shield their daughters from a spirit world that's a lot more active - and malevolent - than it was before.
Thus, there’s a reason Bridgette won't be meeting any ghosts that will give away the next game plot.
The ghost of Marie, Bridgette's sister, follows her around. She likes playing with her sister and still cries for Mommy and Daddy. Marie does not have any special Knowledge From Beyond. To Bridgette, Marie can be held, fed, and played with. To everyone else, she's not there.
Bridgette's secondary power is psychic visions. Ghosts that have passed, or the universe (the show's kinda vague), can communicate with mediums via dreams. Bridgette gets dreams of the past or, rarely, visions of the future. (The Universe seems to get that Bridgette doesn't have much ability to alter future events.) Her visions are filtered through a child's perceptions. Her dream involved popular cartoon characters acting out a murder of a mother and the death of her little boy, for example. Any dreams that will happen will be of the children's story/fairytale/cartoon variety.
None of these powers will be used without the consent of other players involved and the mods.
Bridgette isn't powerful enough to do half the stuff her mom does on the show - she can't touch people and see their worst crime, she can't meet people and immediately judge them good or evil. For the purposes of this game, her visions will come when she's sleeping or engaged in some other task.
Sometimes she'll know who's at the door, though, or know who's calling on the phone before they do. Sometimes her guesses will be utterly wrong. Bridgette is no better in real time interactions than any seven year old child.