I don't for the life of me remember half the previews they showed. The Guardian is about it, because LD decided to say, very loudly mind you, "That's the best title they could come up with?" And DUDE!! They're making a Transformers movie!! How fucking awesome is that?! LD and I are totally going to go check it out, even if it doesn't come out until NEXT year. Thanks for the tease, Hollywood.
Oh yes. Talladega Nights looks pretty funny. We might go see that. Will Ferrell is so great. "I am too paralyzed!" LMFAO!!
So the movie. I loved it. It wasn't as good as the first one, but I loved it nonetheless. I actually snorted at a couple of parts. Johnny was brilliant once again as CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. When they were in Tortuga, and he kept switching hats during the bar fight, that was so funny. And when one of the ship crew members tell Gibbs that Jack was acting strange..er, I seriously snorted outloud. LD thought that was SO funny. Whatever.
The moment Orlando came on screen, I had to control myself. I went "Haaaaaaaw", and LD goes, "Don't cream yourself." I told him it was too late. That is my favorite look on Orlando. The long hair and scruffiness. And I know it was such a sad part, but when the um...things on Davy Jones crew ripped the back of his shirt open, I nearly died right there. I wanted to scream, "RIP IT ALL OFF", but I behaved myself. He has such a gorgeous back. But it was so sad that his dad had to whip him. I really wanted him to hug his dad when he escaped from The Flying Dutchman (I thought this name was just a name in the Spongebob cartoon), but that would have been a little weird considering his dad had coral and barnacles all over him.
I don't know about you though, but if I saw my father looking like the bottom of an ocean floor after many years of not seeing him, I would have been a little bit more disturbed at his appearance. But then again, he was the most normal looking one there. And that's SAYING a lot. These demons were scary. I know if I was younger than 8, I'd have nightmares. Awesome effects thought.
I have to agree with
quidditchkiss. The movie would have been a lot better if they left the stupid love triangle between Jack/Lizzy/Will. WTF was THAT all about? If Elizabeth loved William so much, why did she have to kiss Jack? I understand if she admired him or whatnot, but to kiss him, even to trick him, was just low. I hope Will leaves her in the dust in the last movie. The look on his face when he saw the kiss broke my heart. Ya stupid whore. I hope Davy Jones keeps you for his own. May you grow barnacles on your vagina.
Ex-Commodore Norrington is a tool. Sexy as fuck, but a tool nonetheless.
So is Beckett. I hope he gets it in the end as well.
The three-way sword fighting was brilliant. So was the scene of Will and the gang rolling around in that giant bone cage. LD goes, "I wonder how many times they threw up before finishing that scene." LMFAO! Yeah, I'm never going to a movie with him again.
Tia Dalma rocked. I loved her. I kept waiting for the black goo in her mouth to be wiped away, but that's just me.
WHAT.THE.FUCK?! at the ending. Now, I siriusly cannot wait until the third one comes out. Hopefully, it will be just as good as the others.
"I GOT A JAR OF DIRT!" LMFAO!! Oh, Jack Sparrow. How I love thee.
PS. GIP from
nicevendesigns, icon journal of
wuzzagoinon. I fucking LOVE his mouth.