News of the Good:
- It's already well established that
muir_wolf is one of my favorites. OF ALL TIME. I didn't need her to make a fanmix based on one of my fics to feel that way, but yet, she did it anyway. So, go forth, download, enjoy the fantastic and PERFECTLY IN TUNE WITH THE FIC fanmix stylings of
muir_wolf. The songs fit the fic so well that it actually makes
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Comments 2
I can commiserate about moving house. I've only moved twice myself (once when I was eleven, once when I was twenty-three), but I've helped so many friends move and all the packing and labelling and cleaning and augh. Plus I seem to have become designated bathroom cleaner for many moves, which is not fun; I spent Saturday attempting to get the stink of chlorine out of my nose after moving my brother out of his flat. Plus I really want to move away from where I am now and am having real trouble finding somewhere to go, but my current commute is killing me - if I have work on Sunday, and I almost always do, I have to leave the house at 6.50 AM in order to get to work by 8.45 AM. It's bullshit.
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