[OKAY SO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Comment to THIS post and ICly receive something! Not all of them are giving presents, but if you insist on it, feel free to poke them or similar. ALSO I GAVE UP ON TYPING OUT GIFT IDEAS it's 5 AM, so bluh. I might be slow while trying to think something up for everyone.
Schuldig just bothers with the people he enjoys pestering, like Nakatsu, Senri, Taiki (lmao HanaKimi), Oz, Demyx, Zhores...
Chitose has presents for Rikuou, Kazahaya, Fuuma, Vanya, Ryuuken-- OTHERS MY MIND CAN'T PROCESS RIGHT NOW... and is also giving cookies to everyone he knows, even vaguely.
Eclipse ...does not celebrate Christmas.
Narushige is giving things to Rakan and Chigusa, and also Okita.
Ash ...was going to give people things but then life blew up and now he's pissy. COMMENT TO MAYBE RECEIVE SOMETHING ANYWAY. Hatter, Jim, Hiro, Itachi, Damon, Cindy, BELUS YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANYTHING B/ Belus.
Earth ...might or might not give gifts to a lot of people. He's not the gift-giving type, but he tries once in a while. Satoshi, Ivy, Tiffany, Yotsuba... Josh.
Kakei gives things to Saiga, Rikuou, Kazahaya, Ryuunosuke, and also cookies to other people he's met. They're PEREFECTLY SAFE COOKIES (probably ones that expired on Christmas Eve shhhh no one will buy those anyway :| ...maybe they'll give status effects, WHO KNOWS)
Riddle ...doesn't really bother with gifts.
Rosiel YOU DON'T WANT GIFTS FROM HIM but hey Setsuna Sister I can stalk you for a bit. And maybe Dean. ...and everyone else interested in such, I guess.
I PROBABLY MISSED SOMEONE SO IF YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE IN ONE OF THESE LISTS, by all means, comment and there will be presents and things :|b]