Title: Soft Like Snow Falling
Author: weather
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Future!Klaine. Kurt brings Blaine home over Christmas and insists that he participate in one of Kurt's long-standing winter traditions, but this time with a twist.
Word Count: ~1200. This one's rather short.
“Darling Blaine. This is tradition. It has been tradition since I was old enough to toddle through the snow without it coming up to my forehead.” )
Comments 3
So so so so many Klaine engagement stories out there as drabbles and as parts of stories.. but this one is gonna stand out to me cuz it is so lovely. I love that Kurt asked Blaine.. seems like 90% are the other way around. I love that Kurt didn't buy him an engagement ring.. is that weird of me? and i absolutely absolutely love love love that he gave him his mother's ring. gosh.
anyway, this was sweet. so much loveliness in so few words. me gusta.
Stepping down from my soapbox now. <3
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