Not so Bad-

Sep 30, 2010 15:41

Just popped in to Wolfyu's journal and I saw this little statement:

"LIFE DOES NOT SUCK no matter how down I get about silly things sometimes."

This is entirely true. I seem to be making things out to be much, much worse than they really are. It's a stupid thing to do and well, I feel really bad about it. I get caught up in the seeming 'suckiness' of the situation and can't move forward. Going to change that. Be more proactive and upbeat about the good things.

So! That means, I'm going to be bugging y'all with Livestream (or maybe Tinychat?) artsy-fartsy things. I have a few goals for these:
-doodle/user-contribution fun-times
-big Painter projects
-learning how to actually use PS and Painter together (it's still awkward to use them together).

And, I'm going to be sewing a lot in my free time (when not doing Art-History homework) and thinking of ways to make a buck. Plushies?
-Finish the no-well corduroy vest (it's super comfy and waaarm).
-Start a pencil skirt (oh yes I am!).

It looks like the best thing to do is, keep busy. Busy and chatty. I have a few things to look forward too (mostly a new camera and phone) that should be coming in a week. Then I'll take lots of pretty pictures for y'all. The play with my Velveteen Rabbit costume turned out great. The kids were lovely and performed very well. Oh! Went out with Mom to Kohl's and we each got a pair of new leggings (one is a denim-color the other is a heather-grey) and a pair of tunics. Really cute and freaking comfy. Also, when we went into the Mall (the Jo-Ann's is in the MALL!) we stopped at Solar Roast Coffee (it's like Caribou but with Starbucks design) since we were exhausted and split a Pueblo Mocha (frozen) as a pick-me-up. It is ama-zing! Deep dark chocolate with 4 espresso-shots and cayenne-pepper. It was delicious and not terribly hot. Surprisingly refreshing with just a bit of heat noticeable at the back of your throat. It makes me all sorts of, engerized and swoopy!

Halloween! It's only a month away and we're pulling out the Autumn/Halloween/Thanksgiving decorations already. What to be for Halloween though? I could do the Silurian (I'd have to make a tunic for her and figure out how to hide my hair), do a River-inspired outfit, pull out Rita, pull out the Forest Spirit or just be a Weird West gal. Lol.. my track record on deciding/finishing outfits is terrible. I'll probably just end up with a cat-face painted on (but it will be well done) in the end. XD

Question: Halloween! Are you tricky or treaty?

sewing, a&l, lovely-things, costuming, cosplay, cute-clothes, halloween

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