So, the livestream plans didn't fall through. Oh well. I spent most of this time alone in the house doing five-things:
1. Making and eating food.
2. Cleaning.
3. Typing a paper.
4. Being creative.
5. Watching Titanic three times in a row.
I love making my Ramen-style Egg Foo Young. 'Tis comfort-food and I've got the process down pat. I can make it in oh, 15 minutes now? Cleaning... lots of cleaning. Well, sweeping. And killing GIANT spiders in my bathroom. D: We finished our unit on Chinese/Korean/Japanese art and now we're starting on American art after 1300. Should be fun. Creativity is going to be shown down below in a bit.
Titanic, oh jeeze but first a little background on my relationship with the wreck of the RMS Titanic:
As a kid in 1997, about 8 and just joining our community swim-team, my parents took me to see Titanic and the thought that you could DIE IN THE WATER WITH A BOAT RIGHT THERE terrified me. That you could drown out at sea and never be found really got to me. I kept thinking that the pool-lights were the port-holes on a sunken-ship or submarine and ungh. It's the water and light... it looks so ghostly and terrible. ven today I try and stay as far away from the pool-lights as possible. I can't watch shows with shipwrecks planewrecks or anything that sunk to the bottom. Terrible fears for a swimmer to have, duh I can save myself, but my imagination makes it worse and I'll just swim to the ladder/edge in a blind-panic if I think too much about it.
I'm 20. This should not affect me.
Anyway. I thought heck, I can do this. I can man-up and appreciate the whole movie instead of hiding whenever they show shots of the wreck. Nope. I can't get past it. I didn't sleep last night because my mind would not stop thinking of it.
Back to a nicer subject: Creativity! I spent 2 1/2 days paper-maicheing a headdress. A Silurian headdress. Since I can't shave my head to create the distinctive look of the 'revamped' Silurians I made a cap instead. Thanks to my Auntie Lynne Ridge, who sent me a buckram and stuffing head used in theater, I could create the head in the perfect size for me. It's a fun toy. <3 I'll let my pics do the talking here.
The Idea This is the headdress on the head-form. I put saran-wrap under it as the goop is messy.
Now here it is on me! I need to trim the edges up and give the forehead a bit of a widows-peak. Heh! Got a shot of my Weeping Angels shirt too. XD
Oooo! Here's a pic of the top and crests. I can't figure out the two back-ridges... they won't work right. :/
I think I'm going to prime and trim it tomorrow. Then maybe Monday I can start painting the scales. I hope. So, that's what I did with my weekend. It got me thinking about job-possibilities, I mean, I could make a living doing this kind of stuff. Costuming and mask-making.
Question: What did you do with your weekend?