Title: The Cabaret Singer Fandom: Princess Tutu Pairing: Mytho/Rue Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Implication of sex. Also, the 20's version of evil Mytho. Notes: Loosely based on
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Very nicely written - I really like your take on both of them in the 20's scenario. Especially the grasp you have on Rue's character in general.
I also like how I can almost relate them to their canon counterparts in many ways even with just this little fic. The parallels work well with what you've written. If you do decide to expand on it, I'll look forward to reading more.
Thank you! Like I think I've said before, the big problem I have with AUs in this fandom is the distance AU characters have from their canon counterparts, so I tried to make the situation as similar as I could here.
Oh! I love this, how you create an entire atmosphere and backstory with a few evocative details. I love your Rue and I love your evil!Mythos, he sounds very much like canon evil!Mythos (of course, the challenge then is how can we as audience forgive him for the awful things he's done if there's no magical evil villain to blame for it all?). My rambling aside, if you do ever continue with this, I'd love to read more~
Thanks! As for evil!Mytho, there is a reason he changed so drastically from when they were children in Germany, one I may or may not go into, but with that I think the audience will understand his behavior rather than forgive. Basically, you're not supposed to forgive him.
I suppose in a way you're not really supposed to forgive evil!Mythos in the anime either, but his actions are easier to dismiss when it can all be explained as a matter of fairytale prince temporarily turned evil and that in a way it wasn't *really* him (although it really was...). It also helps that no one actually dies. So the interesting thing it seems to me about this AU would be that it would up the stakes in a way by removing (I assume) the fairytale element. I am just blabbering now >_>
Comments 7
I also like how I can almost relate them to their canon counterparts in many ways even with just this little fic. The parallels work well with what you've written. If you do decide to expand on it, I'll look forward to reading more.
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