Agagagagaggaaaaaa I can't look at the pic without squealing! >w<;;;;♥ THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I can't stop fangirling but I need to sleep agagagagagaaaa
Ohohoho-- there's a bigger version? 8D;;; awawawwaaawwawaaa I'll PM you my email? Don't worry, it's fine! ♥♥♥ I love all the details, and how you drew his hands, and his clothes and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you so much!!!♥
Hee~ I am extremely glad that you like it! I was sweating buckets trying to decide whether or not it was good enough to send to you. YOU ARE MOST WELCOME!!! Ah sorry, I didn't mean to keep you from your much needed sleep. D8
Indeed there is. I'm sending it as I type this reply. XD R-really? That's great! Every time I saved the file, I'd change my mind and re-open it to tweak it some more. I'm weird like that XD Again, I am so happy that you like it and it's safe to say that I'm so relieved, that Imma gonna melt into a little puddle right now. :D
I'm relieved that you got it safely. I always worry when I have to Email something, because somehow or other, I manage to mess up sending them. >__< Ack! XD That's not good, make sure you rest up when you get the chance, otherwise it'll catch up to you and with a vengeance. (coming from someone who's been sleep deprived for two weeks X__X)
Haha, I told you, it was no trouble at all. XD You're welcome again! ^__^ Too late~ 8D *is a puddle on the floor*
Comments 4
Agagagagaggaaaaaa I can't look at the pic without squealing! >w<;;;;♥ THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I can't stop fangirling but I need to sleep agagagagagaaaa
Ohohoho-- there's a bigger version? 8D;;; awawawwaaawwawaaa I'll PM you my email? Don't worry, it's fine! ♥♥♥ I love all the details, and how you drew his hands, and his clothes and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you so much!!!♥
Indeed there is. I'm sending it as I type this reply. XD R-really? That's great! Every time I saved the file, I'd change my mind and re-open it to tweak it some more. I'm weird like that XD Again, I am so happy that you like it and it's safe to say that I'm so relieved, that Imma gonna melt into a little puddle right now. :D
Wow, sorry you had to go through all that trouble! ^^; Thank you again! But oh nonono, don't melt! D8
Haha, I told you, it was no trouble at all. XD You're welcome again! ^__^ Too late~ 8D *is a puddle on the floor*
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