My drawing class has been great and very enjoyable so far. I still have a long way to go in this class but, I'm sure I'll be able to do it. ^ ^
We had our first outside drawing exam on Friday but, I had two problems: 1) My right eye had been feeling itchy and inflamed the day before but, it wasn't too painful and I thought it would go away. Uh-huh
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Comments 4
And woaaah, I totally missed the information that you are a student of art! What exactly are you studying? Any specific studies (like becoming an animator or illustrator) or just art in general? That's so cool!:D
I think I can see how you improved through the pictures you posted as well. There's a huge difference between the first one (which is still better than anything I could produce, but that probably doesn't say a lot ;>_>) and the other still life pictures. I especially love the one you drew for your exam, although I'm rather fond of the trycicle as well.:) And the mug(?) next to the thermos can is funny. Is it really shaped like a human head?oO;
Ah, I'm not a student of art but I do hope to major in it someday. I'm not entirely sure if I want to be in animation or illustration. I'm still looking into it. ^ ^
Yeah, that first one is my least favourite. XD;;;; Oh, it was a ceramic vase, really interesting! It really is shaped like half a human head. =D
On a different note, yay for being able to see your drawings! ^O^ They remind me of college days! ^^; I like the fifth one; the shapes of the shoes and vase and overall composition are really nice. I like the tricycle and the last one too!
Now you know the challenge that is DRAWING WATER IN GLASS O3O
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