Aug 13, 2006 11:15
I feel like this computer game is killing me.
Or numbing me out... same thing.
I play all weekend, almost every weekend. The only reason I can find is that I get to spend at least a little time with friends. I spend a lot of time alone though.
I wish I had real-world friends I could waste the weekend with.
I wish I felt loved.
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Comments 3;_ylt=AtD.SU7RW4xTi6SR5ECZN2Gs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc-
My feeling (and that of complete logic) is that its all a matter of getting as much exposure as you can to build confidence in yourself. You only really learn by getting out there and doing, and I'm not completely sure I like the idea of someone telling me how I "should be acting" if that makes me into someone I'm not.
Gaining that self-confidence, though, can be tricky. In my experience, its easier to do when you have someone there to support you and reassure you and understand what you are pushing yourself to do. I feel that's a big part of what that class offers, but is a service a good friend should be able to provide much cheaper.
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