But on the plus side it means I get to do two Potter questions at once. :D
2. Your favourite book
I think at first Prizoner of Azkaban was my favourite, at least partly because Sirius was my second favourite character. Actually I think it usually topped the polls on people's favourite. But now it's Order of the Phoenix. It was the first one that I waited for and anticipated, it was the longest (I would have read a Potter book the size of the Encyclopedia Brittania - still would), it was the funniest in my opinion and the darkest until that point. I loved CAPSLOCK!Harry because I love angst and quite frankly his anger in that book mirrored mine in reading it. Oh how I loathed Umbridge! How frustrated was I by Dumbledore and the other adults! You know most people would give up a secret once the person they're hiding it from knows that there is one. But I love to be wound up by a book. Jo has a wonderful ability to make the books dark and emotion-inspiring without making them depressing. And on top of all that it had some of the best lines of the whole series - most of them coming from McGonagall, but the twins, Harry and Ron get some too. I think probably the one part of Melissa Anelli's book Harry, A History that annoyed me was hers and her friends' negative experience of reading that book and their predictin that the fans wouldn't like it. The favourite book poll on Leaky Lounge says otherwise - last I checked Phoenix was in second place. So neh! ;)
3. What house would you be in?
I am a Hufflepuff through and through. I'm not courageous like a Gryffindor, although I have discovered that I can be sturdy. I consider myself fairly intelligent but I'm not really one of 'wit and learning'. And I'm definitely NOT a Slytherin! Probably the opposite of one actually. But I am very, very loyal. I'm just, patient (depending on what it is), I believe in equal opportunities and treating everyone the same like Helga did when she said, "I'll teach the lot and treat them just the same." And really, I think kindness is one of the most under rated traits.