Are you afraid to grow up?
No, though I am wary of it now that I have. I miss the simplicity of crushes and marching band.
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
It's nearly the end of the weekend. My only plan is to go grocery shopping.
What if your ex boyfriend/girlfriend called you at 2 in the morning crying?
Still don't have any exes.
Are you doing anything tomorrow?
Working all day.
Are you listening to music?
Is there anyone you trust 100%?
I'm pretty sure I trust Josh. My mother too. I have my moments, though.
Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
Do you get mad easily?
Not really.
Who are your best girl friends?
I no longer have any. I'm working on it.
When was the last time you cried?
Just a few days ago. Estrogen levels were way high for the first two weeks of my new BC.
Do you like people in general?
Not really.
If somebody liked you, would you want them to tell you?
I don't really think it matter. Yes, probably, so that I knew to be a bit more careful around them. I have a foul mouth and it's not difficult for me to talk about sex, etc. to others.
Whose birthday is coming up?
Josh's is on Friday <3
What should you be doing right now?
Grocery shopping...
Who was the last person to text you?
Do you want your tongue pierced?
Been there, done that, grew up and got over it.
What do you currently hear right now?
Katie left the television on in the living room. And mine is still on low from last night.
Who was the last person to call you, and how long was the conversation?
Josh called me this morning, and the conversation was a short two minutes, forty-three seconds.
Last thing you did before bed last night?
I finished reading the fourth HP book.
First person to text you today?
If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to?
Probably Claire. (I have -no- idea who that Brittany person was...)
When and who was the last time you talked to the opposite sex on the phone?
Josh, of course. This morning.
Do you miss the way things used to be?
Definitely not.
Are you a patient person?
For the most part.
Who was the last person who gave you flowers?
I bought myself a bunch of Sunflowers <3
Three days from now this time, where will you be?
At work.
Have you held hands with anyone in the past 48 hours?
Of course <3.
When was the last time you ate popcorn? Where?
It's been ages.
What was the last movie you watched?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.
What were you doing at 9:00 am?
Playing Team Fortress 2 :)
What color is your cellphone?
a Maroon color.
The shirt your wearing, does anyone else have it?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever thrown a cell phone in anger?
Not in my memory.
Be honest, who is the easiest person in your life to talk to?
Definitely Josh.
Last place you went besides your house?
To visit my grandma at Devon Gables'
Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?
Not really.
What are you excited for?
Moving in with Josh eventually.
At this very moment, what exactly are you doing?
Where is the last place you slept besides your bed?
I haven't slept outside of my bed in a very long time.
Have you ever kissed anyone you weren't dating?
Tell me, what's on your mind?
Not much, to be honest.
Has anyone licked you in the past week?
Haha, yeah. 0.<
Have you told anyone you love them today?
Yes, of course <3
Did you kiss/hug anyone in the past 24 hours?
Of course.
The one person who has hurt you the most says they love you, you say?
I love you too. (We're past that.)
Will you be in a relationship next month?
Hope so..
Could you go a month without talking to your best friend?
Josh? No. I could manage a day, I think. Maybe.
Have you ever had someone really close to you pass away?
My cat. Does that count?
How many tattoos would you get?
Have you made out with anyone in the last 2 weeks?
Have you ever kissed the same sex?
Do you have a best guy friend?
Okay, newest of the newest questions, ya ready?
Anyone you'd bang right now?
Josh xD.
Does anyone of the opposite sex have the same name as you?
Definitely not.
Ever been caught doing something illegal?
You watch The Simpsons right?
Is there a boy that you would do absolutely everything for?
Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
Nothing :) I like Sundays.
Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes. A long, long time ago.
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence?
My mother.
Are you dating the last person you talked to?
Yess <3
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Does anyone regularly - other than family - tell you they love you?
One boy.
Would you consider painting your bedroom purple?
I would consider it, yes.
Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
Target, I think. I stole it from my sister.
Are there any posters in your room?
Yes <3. An Assassin's Creed Revelations poster, as well as an optical illusions chess board. And an original from the Moulin Rouge.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Not really.
What is stressing you out most right now?
My grandparents' health.
Have you ever lit a candle?
What would you do if your spouse died?
I would be indoors for a long, long time.
What is the closest thing to you that is striped?
Does a piece of paper count? Otherwise, a pillowcase.
Have you ever owned your own car?
I am doing that right now (it isn't so much fun, to be honest).
Have you ever been so scared you couldn't move?
What is the last thing you put into your mouth, other than food?
Have you ever dropped a baby while holding it?
Have you ever eaten so much candy you thought you would die?
How many hoodies do you own?
Do you actually wear every shirt in your drawers?
No. Too many of them are from when I was smaller. I'll get back to them one day.
What is behind you?
A television. XBox.
Where is the closest trashcan to you?
By the door. About two feet away.
Have you ever dropped your phone in a pool?
How many exes do you actually have?
Have you ever seriously thought you were going to marry someone and they broke your heart?
Not really. Not yet.
What did you last text someone saying?
Would you ever live in Hawaii?
How many surveys do you take in one day?
Have you ever made out with someone of the same sex?
No. This is a duplicate question, by the way.
What are you disgusted by?
Fat people (no offense, or anything..)
Have you ever made out with someone in a movie theater?
Yes. I had not remembered until I thought about it. Ick.
What about on a couch?
Yes :)
What about on your bed?
Of course.
Your mom finds used condoms in your room, you say?
She wouldn't go looking. If she found any (though I do not use them), she wouldn't say anything.
Have you ever won a contest?
A few.
What were you dressed up as for halloween 4 years ago?
What is the weirdest thing you have ever said to someone?
I can't really think of anything.
When was the last time you had the hiccups?
Not too long ago. Maybe a few days to a week.
Do you actually have manners?
I try.
Would you rather eat 10 spiders or die?
Have you ever been pooped on by a bird?
Yes. :P
Have you ever met someone famous?
When you were a kid, did you like Barney?
It was my favorite :)
Do your parents approve of the music you listen to?
For the most part.
What would you say if you saw your mom smoking pot?
I'd be pretty disappointed.
Do you keep in touch with your cousins?
Not really.
Have you ever had a crush on a 2nd or 3rd cousin?
Would you rather date a mexican person or a french person?
French. Definitely French.
Have you ever had a best friend that moved away?
Not exactly, but yes.
Have you ever kissed a boy named Justin?
No. I haven't even known a boy named Justin.
Have you ever had a beverage come out of your nose in public?
No, thankfully.
What type of iPod do you have?
iPod touch 4th Ed. It's fantastic.
Do you own your own laptop?
Did you find yourself satisfied with the questions on this survey?
Kind of. More than most.
Are you single?
You kissed someone last night, didn't you?
I did not.
What is your age?
Twenty and one half.
Do you find smoking unattractive?
What's upset you the most in the past week?
It's a tie between my grandmother's situation and a conversation that I had with Josh.
Will you be in a relationship in two months?
I hope so..
When was the last time you were told you were cute?
Recently. ;)
Are you a different person now than you were five years ago?
Most definitely.
Do you like to text or call more?
It depends on the situation.
Do you have an older brother?
Were you happy when you woke up this morning?
Guess so.
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
A bunch of people.
You have to get a piercing, what do you get?
Have to? Probably tongue again.
What woke you up this morning?
I'm not sure. Maybe the television. Maybe my niece babbling.
Do you like your hair?
Not at all, right now.
Does anyone have feelings for you?
I hope so.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
What were you doing at 11 this morning?
Talking to Tejai, maybe.
Whats on your wrist right now?
Last place you held hands at?
I can't remember.
Ever gotten yourself into a confusing situation?
Oh, definitely.
What do you miss most about your past?
All the friends.
Do you have any piercings?
Not anymore.
Did you sleep alone Saturday night?
Are you happy right now?
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?
Usually not long at all.
Is there anyone that is jealous of you or anything that you have?
I'm pretty sure my sister is jealous of my wonderful relationship. I certainly feel guilty about it sometimes, as all of hers continue to turn to shit and then Josh will come to the house with flowers for me or something.
Do you know what it feels like to be cheated on?
Yeah. It's not too great.
Do you think that all people in England have really bad teeth?
So, who do you think is the sexiest man/woman alive?
Angelina Jolie (when she's not too skinny) is the sexiest woman on the face of the planet, in my honest opinion.
Your last received call, would you kiss them?
Josh. Of course <3.
What's so special about what you're wearing?
Have you smoked a cigarette today?
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I think, maybe.
When you're bored in class, what do you usually do?
Text Josh. Or doodle.
Do you think you'll have the same boyfriend/..girlfriend a year from now?
I do hope so.
Who are you more like, Your mom or your dad?
Not a clue.
Is it okay to like someone else when you have a boyfriend/..girlfriend?
Are you single? If so, who do you like flirting with?
No, so not applicable.
What’s your favorite color out of these five? Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink or Red
Will you regret your next kiss?
Definitely not.
Do you like all of your friends?
I think the correct answer to the would be no. However, I recently severed ties with the friend I didn't like, so perhaps yes.
Would you 'get with' a teacher to pass a class you were failing?
... if I wasn't in a relationship with Josh, I might consider it.
Do you find it in your heart to forgive?
All the time. Too much, etc.
Is there anyone you want to come see you?
I'm comfortable, at the moment. I could go either way.
Are you happy with the choices you've made?
Not all of them, I guess. But for the most part.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Of course.
Do you usually apologize first?
I can be pretty stubborn.
Did you sleep alone last night?
Do you straighten your hair?
Do you think you're a good friend?
When I get the opportunity. I can put up with a lot.
Within the next 4 months, what are you looking forward to most?
Moving in with Josh.
If you could have something right now, what would it be?
A 3DS and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
Would you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
I could do that.
Who was the last boy that texted you?
Someone knocks on your window at 2am, what do you say?
Oh shit.
Do you feel awkward when strangers say hi to you?
Not really, no.
Do you hate being alone?
I can be alone just fine most times. Other times, it's miserable.
Are you a morning person or a night person?
A both, actually.
Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
Neither. I do not like showers.
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Only if it's Josh. Or some stranger texting me through TF2 and we're joking around about our amazing love triangle because they think I'm a gay guy because my name is Princess Unicorns but most good TF2 players are men.
Do you consider yourself lucky?
I am not a lucky person, but I have been lucky, yes.
Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2012?
What is one thing that bothers you about most guys?
Their extreme obsession with T&A.
Who are most of your texts from?
If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Can you live a day without TV?
If you went to jail who would bail you out?
Josh I suppose. Perhaps my mother. It depends on why I went in.
Can you go a whole day with out saying "like"?
Has anyone ever broken your heart?
When's the last time you actually laughed out loud? And why?
I can't remember. Probably reading Harry Potter.
Do you have any of your ex's clothes?
Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn't?
Has someone with a gf/bf ever liked you?
Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect yourself to like?
Yes. Sixth grade.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Four or Five.
Are you busy tomorrow?
Yes. Very.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Depends on who I'm hiding them from.
Are you wearing pants?
Are you a jealous person?
I'm much, much better about that. Though probably still, yes.
Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions?
Will tomorrow be a good day?
I hope so..
Whats your favorite thing to do in the summer time?
Do you get jealous of your friends when they're taken and your single?
Never did. It was always a fact of life. Everyone around Sara is relationshipped and she is fat.
What are you looking forward to?
Today :)
Has anyone laid on your bed besides you?
Josh, my mother, sister, and niece.
Do you take compliments well?
I suppose not.
Do you get annoyed by one word texts?
How many best friends do you have?
Do you like to color?
Yes :) I do it all the time with my kids.
Do you like Vanilla Coke?
Have you changed at all in the past three months?
Do you think kittens are cute?
What month were you born in?
December <3
Do you want to visit the pyramids in Egypt?
Definitely. Childhood obsession, ancient Egypt.
When was the last time you went to the beach?
I was something like seven years old.
Best thing to do on a cold rainy Sunday?
Lay in bed with my boyfriend.
Is there someone you'd really like to hang out with and just talk about stuff?
What was the last thing you drank?
Have you jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Have you ever thrown a shoe at someone?
Do you shut down your computer when you leave, or just leave it on?.
Shut it down.
Do you know what the last person you kissed is doing right now?
Taking a shower, preparing to visit :).