"Give the children knives"

Mar 28, 2008 16:39

The title has nothing to do with the entry - I just liked the idea.

Oh Eljay, you bore me. You bore me so much that it makes me wish I didn't bother to continue my paid services or upgrade my icons last year, because then I wouldn't feel guilty about not checking you.

Your ability, Eljay, to take someone’s private life and spread it out for all to read in glorious printed format baffles me. You bitch and moan about how celebrities should be afforded privacy like us common folk, but when you're banding about peoples private details like cookies, all you are is hypocritical.

The fact you seem to think, Eljay, because you are studying this, or know a lot about that, you are automatically the expert on it, despite the other two million well educated people who have facts that prove you wrong, makes me wish I hadn't bothered with high school. Or any sort of education. After all, what’s the point when you are obviously the best in everything - my intelligence is going to waste.

Your need to go on and on about things that, when put into perspective, just aren't fucking important, until someone snaps and tells you to stfu just gives me a headache. We've got homophobia, starvation and poverty, teenage killings, war, global warming, prostitution, racism, sexism, ageism. Why the hell do we have to keep adding to that with petty shit?

Finally, your overwhelming need to constantly one-up each other, to rally people around you as if by having a larger number of supporters automatically makes you superior, makes me hate to be human. I'm not going to be trite and clichéd, and say 'oh, lets just all be friends!!', but my god, if someone calls you a dumbass or a bitch, so fucking what!? Do they actually know you? No. Will it mentally scar you for the rest of your life? No. Do you really need to get half of your flist to take up their torches and pitchforks in some sort of online witch hunt until he or she makes an insincere apology? No.

So no, not 'lets just all be friends'. Lets just not all be stupid.

Those of you who know me know how I like to stay out of and be clueless of wank. But sometimes wank just won't stay off my flist.

Edited, because I obviously don't read what I write and made a lot of errors

personal : rant

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