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Dec 02, 2005 22:51

1. What's the first thing people notice about you?
I'm pretty wild on stage and people think that's the real me, but I'm actually a private person, so that surprises them when they meet me.

2. Name three things you couldn't live without?
My guitar, the show Lost and my laptop - I use it for everything, from business to video-chatting with friends.

3. If we gave you £500 to spend, what would you blow it on?
I'd take a bunch of my friends out to a club in London. I've been to Chinawhite loads of times but I think there are much better clubs. I like Trap.

4. Tell us a joke.
Two chickens are about to cross the road. One starts crossing and looks back at the other chicken and says, "Why aren't you coming?"The other chicken replies, "Because you're moving to clucking fast." I just made that up - can you tell?!

5. What's your biggest bugbear?
Being bored. I hate sitting around not doing anything. I get like that before a show. We arrive at the venue and wait around for hours, but I just want to get on stage.

6. Who makes you smile?
Other people making fools of themselves like on TV shows such as Dirty Sanchez and Jackass.

7. What's the best gift anyone's ever given you?
Actually, I was given a silver necklace and bracelet today by a girl who was at our sound-check party. I wear a lot of jewelry from fans. I've got this key chain in my bag with trinkets on it from fans all over the world. It's like my good-luck charm.

8. What don't you understand about the opposite sex?
I grew up in a house with four women - my mum and three sisters - so I understand a lot!

9. What was your first thought when you woke up?
I shouldn't have drunk last night. I went to a Chinese restaurant in Manchester with friends.

10. Who does your washing?
While we're on tour, a sweet woman called Johannah washes all our clothes. She's very motherly.

11. Describe your most vivid childhood memory.
My dad was a captain of power boats in Tampa Bay and I'll never forget the time we lost one of our boats. I went to help my dad and his friends find it. It was winter and absolutely freezing. We found it, but the boat we were in got stuck in shallow waters, so I got out to help push. It was so cold my hands just froze, when we eventually got home, I did the worst thing possible and put my hands under the hot tap to thaw them out, but ended up scalding myself - ouch!

12. Describe your perfect lost weekend.
I have a boat in the Florida Keys, so I'd jump on a plane, go to the Keys and hop on my boat. I'd go fishing, scuba diving and chill out.

13. Who leaves you tongue-tied?
Girls. You don't meet many who want to talk about deep stuff, so when I do, it leaves me tongue-tied. Intelligent conversations are special.

14. Describe the best bit of gossip you've heard all week.
I don't really listen to gossip. If it's somebody else's business, then it doesn't concern me.

15. What thoughts keep you awake at night?
I worry about world problems and the way we're treating the planet.

16. What did your teachers say about you?
My teachers had a hard time with me because I was a slow learner, but a couple of them took chances with me. I was in a lower grade but, because I could sing, one of my teachers picked me to do the school play. She's the reason I got into music.

17. What's your nickname?
My mates used to call me 'Kaos' because I can be a big ball of energy. Things that go on in my life are pretty chaotic at times.

18. What's the strangest thing you've put in your mouth?
A cooked bug in Japan or China.

19. Who would you like to be for a day and why?
I'd like to be someone in the FBI or CIA who knows all the big secrets and if there's other life out there. That fascinates me.

20. Which famous people, dead or alive, would you like to be stuck in a lift with?
Marlon Brando because this world is missing actors like that. And Marilyn Monroe because she was hot!

He watches Lost.

I KNEW we were meant to be.
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