If kisses were a precious thing
Like spice was centuries ago
Then I would hold on to each one you gave me
And never let those memories go
If kisses were rare and difficult to find
Then I'd consider myself lucky
For the times that you wanted to give me a kiss
And the few times that you gave it freely
If kisses were an infectious disease
Then I would brave the consequence
Of having to ask for your one kiss
That will fulfill my very existence
But what if kisses were against the law
(Which is something Singapore might actually do)
I'd run off and break the rules
Even if the fine's a thousand dollars, or two
But alas kisses are none of these
They're neither expensive, nor rare
Nor are they lethal and infectious
Nor is it a dare
But kisses from you always seem to be
A little more precious, a little more unique
That's why I'll always look forward whenever
Your kisses will land on my cheek