Character: Makino Tsukushi
Series: Hana Yori Dango (Jdrama)
Age: 17
Canon: Makino Tsukushi is the lone "commoner" in the prestigious and exclusive Eitoku Gakuen that is ruled by the Flower 4 or F4, which consists of a group of boys from some of the most powerful families in Japan. When someone gets on the bad side of the F4, they are tagged with a "red notice" that directs the student population to resort to any means of bullying to drive their target out of the school. However, when Tsukushi is subjected to this treatment after defending her only friend at school, she stands her ground and FIGHTS BACK!!11!, giving feared F4 leader Domyoji Tsukasa a right hook to the face and a declaration of war. Stunned by this act of defiance, Domyoji and the other members of the F4 start to take an interest in Tsukushi. Shoujo harem antics ensue.
Spirited and headstrong, Tsukushi is a plain girl often referring to herself as a "tough weed" and is regarded as such by her wealthy classmates. In return, she is disenchanted by the elitist attitudes of the rich and is very often exasperated with their obsession over luxury items. She's far too spunky and outspoken to fit in and she knows it, but she continues her daily battles at Eitoku because Tsukushi is definitely not one to back down from a fight. Although she is fairly rational and friendly by nature, it doesn't take much to get her aggressive side fired up either. She's just as likely to gently talk you down from a ledge as she is to verbally bitchslapping some common sense into you about getting off that ledge NOW, ARE YOU TRYING TO SCAR ME FOR LIFE?! She has no qualms about speaking her mind and will gladly deliver a punch to the face if that's what the situation calls for. Underneath this tough exterior though, Tsukushi is a caring and fiercely loyal individual who will do all she can to help out her loved ones. Still, being fully aware just how rough around the edges she is, no one is more surprised than her when Domyoji declares her his "fated girl", complete with topping rights.
Sample Post:
Only Domyoji would send someone to a place called "Camp for Financially Unstable Dimwits" and expect them to be grateful about it. And leaving a note saying, "If you don't use this ticket to join the Great Myself during this training period at a commoner camp, I'll really kill you" is something only he would think is a suitable explanation! To even have a horde of his bodyguards dress up in purple gorilla suits AND forcibly drag me away... I mean what is that idiot's idea of a commoner camp anyway?!! Not even a poor person would enjoy swimming in a lake full of toxic waste, and I don't know any normal people who use showers that spray out blood! I know that hot-headed guy is trying his best to learn about the commoner lifestyle, but it's like he picked this place after watching a horror movie! I'm almost expecting Jason to come around the corner with his hockey mask and axe... n-not that I'm scared. After all, I'm the tough weed Tsukushi who can withstand anythi-- aaah! Where did you all... stop spraying me with that weed killer! Using this kind of hazing tactic, you must be a bunch of rich kids sent here to learn about how poor people live as well, right? All that moaning and groaning... show a little respect, will you?
Alright, everyone gather 'round! Let me tell you how a real commoner lives since I have a feeling your interpretations are skewed... First of all, we're definitely not so poor that we can't afford to buy a rope or rack to hang our laundry on! I know what you millionaires think about our manners, but even we wouldn't hang all our underwear on a tree for everyone to see! Secondly... why are you all covered in brownish-green muck and so skinny that I can see your rib cages?! These people running the camp, they didn't go so far as to replicate the food situation of a poor family, did they? Isn't this a little too exaggerated? Oh, I see. You think you can treat this one-of-a-kind learning experience as if it's a cheap spa, huh? Walking around and flaunting your mud skin-treatment and seaweed wraps and using this camp as an excuse to starve yourselves to meet your weight-loss goal, don't make me laugh! Do you know what's more important than all that? Hey, answer seriously you little punks! Saying "braaaaaiiiins" like you couldn't care less, are you trying to pick a fight?
... okay look, we've clearly started out on the wrong foot. Camp should be about having fun, making friends, and working together! I know that last part's probably a big stretch for you guys, but suck it up. You're all here to learn, aren't you? Well, I'll teach you guys a great teamwork game that's just right for a camp with a "poor" mentality! After all, we don't need anything more than our own bodies! Hey, just because I'm a commoner doesn't mean I'm unhygienic, so stop those "iyaan"s right now! Geez, these kids. So first we'll all stand in a circle and hold our hands in the center, and then everyone will grab a hand at random! The point of the game is for us to work together to get untangled. That's pretty simple, right?
I... I'm pretty sure pulling your arms out of their sockets is considered cheating!
SO MUCH LOVE FOR BETAS ♥♥♥ Because seriously, how else can the
98.2% be explained?!