Title: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Summary: When Lestrade breaks off his relationship with Sherlock, Mycroft seizes the opportunity to collect Lestrade for himself. As the most dangerous man in Britain, he can take care of Lestrade and protect him. He just can't understand why Lestrade seems so subdued and unhappy.
Rating: PG-13
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Comments 17
That was dark and aching and all the right things. It about broke my heart, John's confusion as Lestrade went back and forth between being the confident DI and the hesitant man. I absolutely love John for pressing the issue... and for being gobsmacked by the realization of how far outside the lines Sherlock works and Mycroft goes to protect him. Lestrade's explanation of all that could happen to him literally gave me chills.
And this: "Turns out that he can't stay away from crime scenes even if I won't sleep with him. Wish I'd known years ago." AUGH, my heart!
Dear Mycroft. How amazing is that briefcase and what it represents? Wow.
Hats off to you. This is marvelous.
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I'm probably not going to do more with this because omnipotent!Mycroft doesn't make much sense to me. I'm planning on getting back to my original series of stories, which gives me a completely different set of problems to deal with (my version of Mycroft is determined to be wily and uncooperative).
I'm really looking forward to seeing what you write next. :-)
Mycroft is in a heck of a position with respect to actually fixing the issues. All he can do is make promises, which is not so helpful until they've rebuilt a decent level of trust between them. And I'm not even sure that he would stop spying on Lestrade because I don't think he knows that it's wrong. Over time, this may be something they work out between them. Mycroft recognized that the challenge in the short term is to buy that time.
Really appreciate that you *did* write omnipotent!Mycroft/think his character through b/c usually ppl just don`t which leads to srsbsns lack of good!fic about him. Thank you!
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