Pictures! Put behind cuts for those of you on dialup!
I have to memorize the 20 amino acid structures and 6 carbohydrate structures, so yah, this is how I'm doing it. They're posted above my bed. I think Mom and Michelle were questioning whether or not I got any studying done! So there, I do! kinda.
Ceema goes to Humbolt State, so we're the two that everyone refers to as the "Ooooh, Californians....."
Ceema meant to message to me, "The Germans are...." but instead typed, "The German Arm.." which I read as, "The German Army..." in reference to this group of well, Germans. Thats what we call them now. We also make cracks about their secret plan to take over the world.
Ivo is taller than me, woot, and Hubi is the COOLEST kid ever. period. err... "Full stop" as the british say!