I had a really really awesome weekend which i shall now summarize for y'all's readin pleasure (and some nifty pics too):
So Friday after school I went over to Simon's house. When i got there he had some friends from his school (SI) over. They were pretty cool. Basicaly we had mad airsoft battles for like 3 hours. hecka fun, i have like little red dots all over my body now though. He is done with school already so we decided we would have a bon fire with all his school work from the year. So we got this little wire trash can, filled it with paper, sprayed it with WD 40 and watched it burn. other events included riding flaming a skate board, and playing hockey with a burning tennis ball. that morning his mom caught us though bcuz there were little pieces of burnt paper all over the driveway and stuff. He was hella chill about it though, so we didn't get in any trouble
so i went home the next day at like 12
i chilled at home for a while. my parents took my brother and I out to dinner and then we saw Madagascar, which had no plot and was K-rap
so afterwards i went over to Bennet's house and we hung out and did stuff. I had a bit of an interesting experience which i won't discuss here. I slept over and had fun
when i got home the next day i called up Ryan. he told me that Amy and Paul were having a drum recital at the magic flute. So i went down there and sat through this long recital with like 20 kids. How it worked was the person had picked a song, and then they learned the drum part and played drums with the song. Paul and Amy did really well. At the end though was the best, the teacher did a solo.......so amazing agh
so after that ryan and i went over to his dad's house in Novato. One of the nicest houses i've ever seen!!! Warren was having us help him put together this gazebo thing which would be used for the BBQ the next day. It was kinda windy so after it was built we had to put sand bags to keep it from blowing away (hint hint *foreshadowing* cough) We then left to go to Fresh Choice where we met up with like everyone, i saw Oak too cuz he works there
so after dinner we (being myself, ryan, gabe, jess, julia, jordan, jason, danny, drew, naomi, leland, charles, megan, and lindsey) wandered around in the shopping center for a while and went to target
so ryan, drew, danny, jason, jordan, and myself went back to warren's to sleep over. So we're chillin' and at about 12:30 we decide to go outside. In the pool is the gazebo with all the sand in the pool and shit. So Warren (ryan's dad) is like freakin out. so we get in the pool, and we start taking the gazebo apart bcuz Warren doesn't want it to scratch his fancy pool
so the next day (monday/today) is the bbq. LOTZ OF FUN. swimming, hanging out, jammin on violin/bass/guitar/drums, good food, trampoline, tons of people who i haven't seen in ages and just hella cool stuff.
now i'm just home, not trying not to think about finals, plus i'm really tired