yesterday was pretty boring. Kevin left early to go back to San Diego. The only fun thing i did was I went to Bananas @ Large and tried out some pedals. Then I had my lesson. I talked to some girl that goes to Novato name Amanda on the phone for like an hour and i don't even know who she is; but i was bored and she was cool
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HA! so i finally got an amp. its a Crate B150 Amp Head with this fatty speaker. i checked it out from school and i get to keep it indeffinetly. so i'm phsyced
ask me if u wanna c a pic
i was just playing on it for like 2hours and messing with all the FX and stuff
today was stressfull, basically studied a lot. tommorrow i don't have to be at school till 10:20 bcuz the day starts w/ 7th period final and i don't have a 7th period, that makes me happy
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today was pretty cool. during tutorial i was in the band room jamming with a couple people Tommy on guitar, Mike on bass, Nate on drums, Me on violin obviously. It was cool becuase there were a bunch of people listening to us and we sounded good. the guy Tommy who plays guitar is very talented and seems cool
today i went to the dentist cuz my back tooth has been hurting really bad because my wisdom teeth are coming in already. so i have to have all four of them surgicall removed. that will be fun no doubt