Title: I Feel Like I'm Babysitting But I'm Not Getting Paid (8/?)
Word Count: 1,200
Genre/Rating: Supernatural RPS/G
Characters: Jeff, kid!Jensen, wee!Jared
Summary: It's a weekend in the life of Jeff after he wakes up to a house full of boys instead of adults.
Author's Notes: This 'verse sprang from a
comment_fic prompt and now has a life of its own.
Jeff surveyed the couch where they’d all gathered to watch The Goonies. Again. He still couldn’t wrap his brain around the fact that under normal circumstances they could hardly fit three of them on the couch, but on this crazy weekend all six of them, with some adjustments and lap sitting, could fit reasonably well.
Right off the bat, Jeff claimed the right-end side of the couch. It was closest to the kitchen and he could get up and down without disturbing the view of everyone else. Jensen sat in the spot to Jeff’s left, not bothered by the very close proximity he needed to maintain to allow everyone else to fit on the couch. Steve and Chris settled next to Jensen leaving Misha on the far side with the left-end arm to himself. Jared wandered and bounced from lap to lap.
At first Jeff was up and down, fetching popcorn, making sure Jared used the “potty”; but by the time the Goonies were in the Fratelli’s basement his position had become permanent. At first he was anchored by Jared taking up residence on his lap after a bathroom break, but when Jared lost interest in the movie and started wandering again, Jensen shifted “to make more room for Steve” and plopped himself into the lap Jared had vacated.
Jeff didn’t hide his grin as he welcomed Jensen into his embrace and let his chin rest on top of Jensen’s blonde head. He smiled even wider when Jensen reached over to grab Jeff’s right hand to pull Jeff’s arm across his waist and tuck himself into a more comfortable position. In spite of the extreme weirdness of the weekend, it was moments like this that Jeff hoped he wouldn’t forget when it was all over.
Out of all of the men who had reverted to their younger selves, Jeff found himself the most fascinated with Jensen. Jared and Steve’s personalities were apparently hard-wired at a very young age; it was very easy to see the men they would become in the boys they had been. Chris was different from them in that he hid so much of himself; the kid in him was still there, but the vulnerability was hidden by a well varnished veneer.
But Jensen had changed. The painfully shy little boy currently snoozing in Jeff’s lap worked extremely hard as a young man to become the outgoing and confident adult he was now; or, was about twenty-four hours ago. Jeff was profoundly aware of his behavior around this younger version of Jensen, not wanting to overwhelm or frighten him. It was certainly to Jensen’s advantage that Jared unknowingly and naturally deflected so much of the spotlight that made him so uncomfortable.
Jeff was exceedingly conscious that Jensen not only trusted him, but sought him out throughout the day when he was feeling unsettled or overwhelmed. To an outsider looking at the bodies sprawled on the couch, one little boy sitting on his lap wouldn’t look unusual, but Jeff understood just how much it took for Jensen to let down his defenses. To be allowed so much access gave Jeff a feeling in his chest that he couldn’t put into words. It might’ve been pride if he’d actually done anything to warrant it. Mostly it was appreciation and a feeling of being humbled; an understanding of what an honor it was to be allowed inside Jensen’s inner circle; and a fierce determination not to do anything to damage the trust that had been given.
As the movie rolled on, Jeff soaked in the atmosphere. With Jensen and Jared dozing and the rest of them settled if not sleeping, Jeff enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by a house full of boys even as he was thinking ahead to the best way to get the bigger boys to bed without disturbing the younger two. Jeff’s main concern was Jared; he was afraid that if the toddler wasn’t sleeping deeply enough, when he moved him he might wake up enough to put up a fight. That nap earlier might not have been the best idea. And if he was stuck soothing, cuddling and otherwise convincing Jared it was time for bed, the older boys wouldn’t get the supervision they needed.
Jeff figured the best game plan was to get Jensen to bed first, that way, if Jared needed more attention later at least Jensen would already be down for the night. However, the plan hinged on the assumption that Jensen would continue sleeping amid the transfer from the couch to the bedroom. Jeff was hoping that Jensen’s adult sleeping habits stretched back to when he was this young.
With a nudge to Steve’s arm, Jeff gave a head nod toward Jared who was nodding off, thumb in mouth, sprawled across both Steve and Chris’ laps. “You got him while I put Jensen to bed?”
“Sure,” Steve responded easily. And Chris, taking Jeff’s question a bit more literally, put his hand on Jared’s back and gathered a handful of his shirt. Feeling confident that he “got him” Chris nodded a go-ahead to Jeff. Jeff would’ve laughed out loud if he wasn’t afraid of waking Jensen.
Jeff slid forward on the couch maintaining the seat of his lap for as long as possible before standing up. Standing while holding Jensen and shifting his weight to his shoulder was tricky, but accomplished without rousing the little boy. Misha’s succinct summary was, “Smooth.”
Jeff stood still for a moment, making sure he was balanced enough to walk with the additional weight he was carrying. True to form, Jensen was out like a light and unlikely to wake until morning. The only down side was that with Jensen so completely out of it he was totally dead weight without an arm around the neck or leg around the waist to help out. Jeff shifted Jensen a little higher and headed for the bedroom.
Jeff had enough beds and oversized couches throughout his house that as adults everyone could easily find a place to sleep, but the idea of all of these little boys spread out and unsupervised made Jeff very nervous. During the day Steve, Misha and Chris had sort of taken over one of the upstairs rooms as a home base; it was easy enough to set the three of them up in there. It was just down the hall from Jeff’s room and he hoped he’d be able to hear them if they got silly or thought wandering around during the night was a great idea.
Because he woke up with Jared in his bed, it seemed logical to Jeff to bring him in to sleep there again. Jared was the one who needed the most supervision, and having him so far away in another bedroom made Jeff uncomfortable. So the trickiest thing was figuring out where to put Jensen. Putting him in with the bigger boys was an option; chances were very good he’d sleep right through whatever nonsense they got up to. But, Jeff didn’t totally trust them to leave the smaller boy alone and he didn’t want to expose Jensen to that kind of teasing. Jeff could’ve set Jensen up in one of the smaller guest bedrooms, but that would leave him alone and too far from Jeff’s listening ear. In the end, Jeff decided that the easiest thing to do would be just to have Jensen join him and Jared in Jeff’s bed; it could hold the three of them as adults, it could certainly handle them as a toddler and seven year-old.
Jeff placed Jensen on the left side of the bed; that was usually the side Jeff slept on, but he thought it would be more practical for him to sleep on the side closer to the door in case any emergencies cropped up during the night. True to form, Jensen didn’t even twitch when Jeff laid him down. Jeff ran a hand over his hair and laughed softly, “Oh buddy, you are so funny.”
He efficiently removed Jensen’s socks and sneakers. He debated letting the kid sleep in his jeans but he’d already been wearing them all day and didn’t have another pair stashed somewhere. Now that he thought about it, he should probably have everybody strip and throw in a load of laundry after they were all in bed. Jeff’s mind skittered away from thoughts of clothing because that brought him dangerously close to actually thinking about what the hell happened and what he would do if they didn’t change back. Jeff wasn’t in panic mode yet because some part of his brain was convinced this whole situation was a weekend thing; if he woke up to a houseful of boys again on Monday, then he’d have to do something about it, until then he was just going to ignore the ‘what ifs’ and just keep moving forward. Right now, moving forward meant getting everyone to bed.
Jeff removed Jensen’s outer shirt, confident now that nothing short of a bomb going off would wake him. He gathered the bundle of Jensen’s clothing in one hand, but couldn’t resist taking a moment to sit down on the bed and look at him. In his sleep, Jensen looked even younger than he currently appeared to be. Jensen’s ridiculously perfect eyelashes lay gently against his pale skin highlighting the freckles scattered across his nose and slightly chubby cheeks. Jensen was so beautiful he looked almost angelic. Jeff reached out again to touch his hair and felt a kick in his chest just like he had that morning; there was no getting around how much he loved this kid.
Smiling, Jeff rose from the bed and quickly walked downstairs to gather up the next sleepyhead. Tossing Jensen’s clothing in a heap by the basement door, Jeff went into the living room to collect Jared. Luckily he was still sprawled across Steve and Chris’ laps, and if the thumb that had slipped out of his mouth was any indication, Jared was deeply asleep.
“Hey,” Jeff addressed Steve and Chris as he ran a hand across Jared’s unruly curls, “I’ll take him, boys.”
Jared was much easier to transfer because of his size, and unlike Jensen, Jared had a highly developed sense of other people even in his sleep. He twitched a little when Jeff lifted him off of the bigger boys’ laps, probably shocked by the sudden cold when removed from the hot spot he created, but once Jeff had him against his chest, Jared curled into him sighing against his shoulder and wrapping his arms around Jeff’s neck. Jeff automatically started rubbing his back while crooning, “I’ve got you, baby” hoping that Jared’s awareness was just temporary.
The trip upstairs was quickly accomplished. Jeff sat on the side of the bed closest to the door and tried to undress Jared without waking him up. It was a little tricky but soon Jeff had him stripped down to his underwear. Gently Jeff eased Jared down onto the center of the bed. He immediately rolled and snuffed into the pillow. Then Jared’s weirdly developed people-radar caused him to roll toward the only other hot body in the bed. Jeff winced when he crashed into Jensen; he held his breath waiting for one or both of them to wake.
Jensen surprised Jeff by rolling toward Jared and putting an arm around him. Jared turned back to face Jeff and tucked himself into Jensen’s protective embrace. Thumb firmly reinserted in mouth, Jared seemed perfectly content with his personal bed-warmer. The two of them made the most adorable puppy pile Jeff had ever seen. He walked over to the occupied side of the bed and pulled a blanket up to cover the both of them. Unable and unwilling to repress his impulse, Jeff leaned over to kiss them both on the top of their heads. Then he stood and for a moment, watching them sleep
The sound of movement from downstairs got Jeff’s attention. Scooping up Jared’s clothes from where he left them, Jeff turned off the lights but made sure the bedroom door was open enough to let the light from the hallway in. He had three more kids he had to get to bed.
Link to Master post - all chapters